two questions
I have two questions, both having to do with visual basic
1. I would like an elspsed time meter that can stand alone accruing·running time , and then will communicate with a Visual basic app.· It seems a bit of a waste to use a stamp, but I can't seem to locate anything any better.· Is there a way I could use the stamp as an elapsed time meter.
2. I have a usb board of Ed. . How can I communicate with a visual basic app with that?
1. I would like an elspsed time meter that can stand alone accruing·running time , and then will communicate with a Visual basic app.· It seems a bit of a waste to use a stamp, but I can't seem to locate anything any better.· Is there a way I could use the stamp as an elapsed time meter.
2. I have a usb board of Ed. . How can I communicate with a visual basic app with that?
2. the USB BOE looks to the computer like a serial com port so you communicate with it just as you would a regular com port.
- Stephen
Could you point me toward programming the stamp to be an elapsed time meter? I don't see any commands having to do with time, other than short term like pause , pollwait, pulsin pulsout.
Seconds would be fine as a unit of measurement. I don't need anything any more accurate than that. I would just like to hook the stamp to something and whenever the something runs, a non volatile count would accumulate so I could read it later through a VB app.
again thanks
If you need more accurate timing, you can attach an external real time clock like the DS1302 to the Stamp (see the StampWorks manual). With a real time clock, you'd read the time and date when the timed condition begins and then again when it ends. The difference is your elapsed time.
Jeff T.
Unsound, I'd like the Elapsed Time meter to do it on it's own, without the computer. I'd like to just connect with the computer occassionally to "read the meter"
Mike, so with the PAUSE, I could check on the status of a pin in approx mSec intervals, up to approx. a minute or so (65535 ms + instruction time )and increment a variable. Can the variable be stored so that it is non volatile?
Typically the way this is handled is that the time in minutes, kept in an ordinary variable, is compared to the EEPROM memory locations (byte by byte). If it's not the same, the EEPROM is updated with the new value. This way the locations in EEPROM are rewritten only when necessary.
I looked them up. They're #85 and #115. The latter has specific examples for the DS1307.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 2/23/2008 10:42:01 PM GMT
I would think that an elapsed time meter that communicated with a computer would be common, but I haven't found one. Curtis makes a circuit board mounted something that has a reader, but I haven't found any specifics about either one, even from their site.
So with your PAUSE example, I could keep the count in a variable, which would be volatile, but store it in EEProm once a minute, and the most I should ever lose is a minute (approx.) and the EEprom shouldn't wear out for many moons?
Thank you very much.