Feedback on schematic please...
I'm mainly concerned with the power, regulator, and the 8 connections to the stamp besides the I/O pins. Can anyone see anything that may spell disaster here or any recommendations before I solder everything? This is the first time I've taken a stamp off the development board and made my own stand alone so any feedback will definitely help me sleep tonight.
sorry if the schematic isn't professional, I did my best.
Ok, I updated the schematic attached to this post with the changes made. Everything look legit? I've scoured through a lot of posts and there are some contradictions such as whether to leave the programming & I/O pins floating or pull them up/down. I've decided to leave to diode on the regulator off since that's not on the BOE schematics and it'd just be more parts for me to solder. My concerns now are:
Post Edited (Jed) : 3/1/2008 1:22:20 AM GMT

Ok, I updated the schematic attached to this post with the changes made. Everything look legit? I've scoured through a lot of posts and there are some contradictions such as whether to leave the programming & I/O pins floating or pull them up/down. I've decided to leave to diode on the regulator off since that's not on the BOE schematics and it'd just be more parts for me to solder. My concerns now are:
- Voltage Regulator, wired correctly with the caps?
- Power from regulator is going to the stamps Vdd pin and the stamps Vin pin is left floating. Is that ok?
- The cap next to the stamps Vdd pin, wired correctly?
- The 4 programming pins left floating.
- Pin 8 left floating (Will be set to output low in program)
Post Edited (Jed) : 3/1/2008 1:22:20 AM GMT

A small (0.1 to 1uf) cap across the input (and output) would be a good idea also.
- Rick
Post Edited (RDL2004) : 2/22/2008 2:33:04 AM GMT
I've never bothered to put pullups/pulldowns on any unused pins on the Stamp and have never had any issues. YMMV, as they say.
- Rick
If your going to use servos, I'd put the second cap on.
And don't use pullups/pulldowns on the programming pins... I was in the process of doing that when Chris Savage saved
my butt by telling me not to.
Check out my thread, it's pretty much identical to your problems.
I would recommend the 1000uF capacitor to be on the regulator output…In fact, depending on the regulator there will usually be a specified capacitance required on the output. Usually more is fine and sometimes better. The input usually only requires a .1uF for noise. Both capacitors will usually help eliminate oscillation internal to the regulator.
The second capacitor is connected to the output of the BS2 on-board regulator and is there in case the Servos cause power supply dips that would otherwise brownout the BASIC Stamp.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I re-drew it as an input filter because I assumed a typical (poorly filtered, if at all) AC adapter would be what was used at the input jack. I can see how it would help to have another one on the output if there are servos downstream.
100uf per amp is the usual (rule of thumb) recommended size for the output cap, 1000uf per amp for the input filter.
edit: This is for the electrolytics, it is also usually recommended to have a 0.1 to 1uf on both the input and output, mounted as close as possible to the regulator.
- Rick
Post Edited (RDL2004) : 2/22/2008 6:55:19 PM GMT
So what your saying is...
Configured as a filter of course, not in series [noparse]:)[/noparse]
the +5v into the Vdd and leave Vin completely unused. This'll bypass the BS2's onboard regulator and prevent voltage
drop from it as well as extending its life... I think.
At least that's what I THINK the super carrier board does, and what I had in my schematic... no one has said anything
about it so far so maybe that's right.
I'd wait and see if anyone replies to this before you try it though... I'm a bigger newbie than you are.
One other thing that's a "good idea" is a bypass diode across the regulator to shunt current past it when the power is shut off with·large capacitance on the output, like D1 in this diagram:
Here is a pretty good introduction to voltage regulators from National Semiconductor:
- Rick
Post Edited (RDL2004) : 2/22/2008 8:51:02 PM GMT
Post Edited (Jed) : 3/1/2008 12:00:50 AM GMT
Here's what I might have done different:
I'd tie the two VSS pins together.
I'd use the bypass diode that RDL2004 mentioned above.
Make sure you set pin 8 to LOW near the start of your program... if you do that, it won't be floating.
I'd also use the input->1000uF->0.1uF->Regulator->0.1uF->1000uF->Project setup that was mentioned
Again, I'm a newbie and only half understand these concepts... so don't take my advice alone... use
it as a starting point to ask questions. (Also, any corrections on my ideas are welcome since I'll
be attempting something like this eventually).