Now, from the PC side, you'll need to:
1. Open the proper COM port
2. Wait for the ">" prompt
3. Send a number, encoded as a string, with a LineFeed ending the string.
4. 'Toss' the BS2's 'echo' of your string.
5. Get and display the BS2 response
6. Go back to step 2.
To use the 'programming port' you do NOT need a 'level shifter'.· You simply use the same straight-through cable you used to program the BS2.
BaudMode CON xxx ' You'll have to look up what value xxxxs should have in the help file under SEROUT
SEROUT 16, BaudMode, [noparse][[/noparse]">", CR]
SERIN 16, BaudMode, [noparse][[/noparse]DEC MyValue]
SEROUT 16, BaudMode, [noparse][[/noparse]"Got: ", DEC MyValue, CR]
Now, from the PC side, you'll need to:
1. Open the proper COM port
2. Wait for the ">" prompt
3. Send a number, encoded as a string, with a LineFeed ending the string.
4. 'Toss' the BS2's 'echo' of your string.
5. Get and display the BS2 response
6. Go back to step 2.
To use the 'programming port' you do NOT need a 'level shifter'.· You simply use the same straight-through cable you used to program the BS2.
I have just used the debug, and debugin commands, and that works fine ( as an alternative til serout and serin)