Battery Back Up Using two Sony Lithium Ion Batteries 1600 ma and a Charger ....
I need a Power Supply that if the power went off the Basic Stamp and a DS1302 Time Chip would keep working with
out losing time
I try to use the Supper Cap with the DS1302 would not keep time very long at all .....·Trickle Charger Mode
I try to use 3 Ni cads @·70 milliamp batteries··Batteries·with DS1302·would not last very long 20 minutes
So·I went to and saw these Lithium Ion Batteries chargers two weeks ago
so·I order some and try the charger out and works very well now i have the running time that i was looking for
A few months ago i had bought some of these battery at Sunn Battery they are·near where·I live but they sell on
E bay at first·I could not use them because i did not have a charger for them
I post this Project in case some one can use this
You MUST USE TWO CHARGER for this project because this charger only charges·ONE Battery for 7.2 Battery Pack
They can NOT share a common ground·you will short one battery out if you do
You MUST USE HEAT SINKS on the 7805 regulators·because the charger uses 280 milliamps when charging and will
get very hot
Here is a way to have your Basic Stamp· have a battery back up·and power supply for·your Basic Stamp
Here·is the part list for this Project
These battery are at they also sell on E bay
#1··· 4 Sony Lithium Ion Batteries 1600mah CGR18650 18650
#2 LiPoly Charger - Single Cell 3.7-7V Input .........You need two of them
#3 12.6V 300mA PCB-Mount Miniature Transformer
#4TO-220/TO-202 Aluminum Heat Sink .......You need two of them
··Thanks for any·
·that you may have and all of your time finding them
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 5/1/2008 5:00:38 AM GMT
out losing time
I try to use the Supper Cap with the DS1302 would not keep time very long at all .....·Trickle Charger Mode
I try to use 3 Ni cads @·70 milliamp batteries··Batteries·with DS1302·would not last very long 20 minutes
So·I went to and saw these Lithium Ion Batteries chargers two weeks ago
so·I order some and try the charger out and works very well now i have the running time that i was looking for
A few months ago i had bought some of these battery at Sunn Battery they are·near where·I live but they sell on
E bay at first·I could not use them because i did not have a charger for them
I post this Project in case some one can use this

You MUST USE TWO CHARGER for this project because this charger only charges·ONE Battery for 7.2 Battery Pack
They can NOT share a common ground·you will short one battery out if you do
You MUST USE HEAT SINKS on the 7805 regulators·because the charger uses 280 milliamps when charging and will
get very hot
Here is a way to have your Basic Stamp· have a battery back up·and power supply for·your Basic Stamp
Here·is the part list for this Project
These battery are at they also sell on E bay
#1··· 4 Sony Lithium Ion Batteries 1600mah CGR18650 18650
#2 LiPoly Charger - Single Cell 3.7-7V Input .........You need two of them
#3 12.6V 300mA PCB-Mount Miniature Transformer
#4TO-220/TO-202 Aluminum Heat Sink .......You need two of them
··Thanks for any·

Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 5/1/2008 5:00:38 AM GMT