RCTIME command Basic Stamp 2
Hi all,
I am a starter to Basic·Stamp 2.
I am working on a project using the RCTIME command, to light up an LED within a certain RC range (25 to·30) and turn off the LED out of this range. I adjust the 10K potentio meter (with a 0.1UF capacitor) connected to the Basic Stamp 2 input pin 4. I can vary the speed by turning the potentio meter with this command:
' {$STAMP BS2}
··· speed VAR Word
·· Loop:
··· HIGH 4 'discharge the capacitor
··· PAUSE 1 'for 1 milisecond
····RCTIME 4,1,speed
··· DEBUG ? speed
··· IF (25>speed<30) THEN do
··· do:
·· HIGH 12
What command do I use to turn off the LED when the speed is out of this range?
Your help is much appreciated.
Thank You.
I am a starter to Basic·Stamp 2.
I am working on a project using the RCTIME command, to light up an LED within a certain RC range (25 to·30) and turn off the LED out of this range. I adjust the 10K potentio meter (with a 0.1UF capacitor) connected to the Basic Stamp 2 input pin 4. I can vary the speed by turning the potentio meter with this command:
' {$STAMP BS2}
··· speed VAR Word
·· Loop:
··· HIGH 4 'discharge the capacitor
··· PAUSE 1 'for 1 milisecond
····RCTIME 4,1,speed
··· DEBUG ? speed
··· IF (25>speed<30) THEN do
··· do:
·· HIGH 12
What command do I use to turn off the LED when the speed is out of this range?
Your help is much appreciated.
Thank You.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
speed VAR Word
·PAUSE 100 'need more time on your pause command
·RCTIME 4, 1, speed
·DEBUG ? speed
·IF(speed > 25 AND speed < 30) THEN
· HIGH 12
· LOW 12
I haven't tested the above but it should work... it'll keep the LED on if its in range, or if its out, turn it off.
Thank you so much for your suggestion. It worked exactly the way I wanted.
Thanks again.