usb stick datalogger (usbsdl)
Anybody have any experience with the usbsdl sold by Parallax. Mine seems to hang at random places after a couple of hours of recording. Tried different sticks, different CPU's, different pins, different programs - with the same result including the test program. Any comments would be appreciated.
The chip that does all the work in the datalogger is the Vinculum USB host from FTDI. I've run one of these for several weeks reading files and reading music (the VMusic2 uses the same processor with an MP3 decoder). Clearly it's not the same circumstances, but the chip itself seems to work well.
SEROUT usbTX\usbCTS, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]"WRF ", $00, $00, $00, $07, CR, DEC5 nbvar, ",",CR]·
Jeff T.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support