Parallax 433 MHz transmitter/reciver
Posts: 13
I tying to use Parallax 433 MHz transmitter/reciver whit PicBasic pro and 2 microcontrollers (Transmitter PIC16F628A ) (Reciver PIC16F872) the PBP langue is similar to the BASICStam´s.
I use this codes for the transmitter and reciver and it works well BUT there is a problem.. i drive the modules in True mode not in Inverted so i have a RF carrier when i´m not sending anything this is becous it don´t work with
The reciver only recivs the data sometims in inverted mode, but in true mode it works well.
one solution is to connet the 5V pin on the RF modul direkt to a pin on the microcontroller and pull it high before i want to send somting and then pull it low again or use the PDN line. the current for the module is 5.2mA and i have 20mA on the I/O pin on the 16F628A so that will be enought.
But why does not the module work whit inverted mode?
has it something to do whit noise in the air or?
I tying to use Parallax 433 MHz transmitter/reciver whit PicBasic pro and 2 microcontrollers (Transmitter PIC16F628A ) (Reciver PIC16F872) the PBP langue is similar to the BASICStam´s.
I use this codes for the transmitter and reciver and it works well BUT there is a problem.. i drive the modules in True mode not in Inverted so i have a RF carrier when i´m not sending anything this is becous it don´t work with
SEROUT transmitterpin,[b]N2400[/b],[noparse][[/noparse]$55,$55,$55,63519,Counter,check] and SERIN reciverpin,[b]N2400[/b],500,NoSignal,[noparse][[/noparse]63519],counter,Check
The reciver only recivs the data sometims in inverted mode, but in true mode it works well.
one solution is to connet the 5V pin on the RF modul direkt to a pin on the microcontroller and pull it high before i want to send somting and then pull it low again or use the PDN line. the current for the module is 5.2mA and i have 20mA on the I/O pin on the 16F628A so that will be enought.
But why does not the module work whit inverted mode?
has it something to do whit noise in the air or?
CMCON = 7 'Alla I/O Digitala LEDPin var PORTB.0 TransmitterPIN var PORTB.4 include "modedefs.bas" Check var byte Counter var byte clear check = 254 Main: high ledpin SEROUT transmitterpin,T2400,[noparse][[/noparse]$55,$55,$55,63519,Counter,check] low ledpin counter = counter + 1 pause 500 goto main end
ADCON1 = 7 ' Alla digitala DEFINE OSC 20 DEFINE LCD_COMMANDUS 3000 'Set command delay time in us DEFINE LCD_DATAUS 200 'Set data delay time in us DEFINE DEBUG_BAUD 2400 DEFINE DEBUG_MODE 0 DEFINE DEBUG_REG PORTC DEFINE DEBUG_BIT 7 'PORTC.7 OLIMEX RS232Board include "modedefs.bas" ReciverPIN var PORTC.0 Check var byte Counter VAR byte clear pause 500 Main: SERIN reciverpin,T2400,500,NoSignal,[noparse][[/noparse]63519],counter,Check if check = 254 then gosub lcd else gosub Nosignal endif goto main LCD: check = 0 LCDOUT $FE,1 LCDOUT $FE,$80, #counter, " LCD" debug #counter, 13,10 goto main NoSignal: check = 0 LCDOUT $FE,1 LCDOUT $FE,$80, "No signal!" debug "No signal!", 13,10 goto main END
It appears that you are sending three leading $55 (SYNC) characters in the SEROUT statement of the first program which is fine, but you are not accounting for them in the SERIN statement in the second program. That may be causing a problem.
If the RF hardware setup ignores $55 characters, then there is no need to make this modification. If not, I suspect this may help in getting further along:
SERIN reciverpin,T2400,500,NoSignal,[noparse][[/noparse]$55,$55,$55,63519],counter,Check
The SERIN above should check for the three leading $55 characters, and WAIT at the SERIN until it receives them. Then it will continue on with the SERIN and fetch the other items in the SERIN data list.
I don't know why N2400 doesn't work and T2400 does, but one way to have the carrier NOT appear is to use an IC Inverter at each end. This would mean the addition of one IC at each end. Functionally this would work, but I honestly don't know if it's appropriate for RF communication, as I've never had to use this technique. I'm sure there are others on this forum who will know if this is an appropriate modification. I'm primarily a software person, and generally leave the hardware to those more knowledgeable about such things.
Bruce Bates
"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration."
Thomas Alva Edison
But how do you think of the id
Using the PDN pin shold work, but if i make the pin low and then high again when i want to transmitt i will send +5V into the PDN line whits is to mutch for LINX modul and i will damage it, whold a diode in serie to the PDN line avoid puting 5volts into it?