serial communication with com port, higher speed needed...
I have a BS2 that is recieving data from the com port at 4800baud and if I try to use faster speed the data recieved would be wrong... Can I use higher speed if I use the dedicated SIN, Rpin = 16 ?· I tried that, but could not make it work at all, but is it correct to use pin 16 as it says in the editors help, pin 16 is for SEROUT too...?
If I understand your post correctly, it would seem that the problem is not within the Stamp. Using pin 16 will effectively be the same as using DEBUG.
Are using a PC to send data to the Stamp? If so, are you referring to the COM port on the PC? Did you remember to change the baudrate on the device (whether it is a PC or something else entirely) that is sending data to the Stamp?
Hope this helps,
1) Use the lower speed
2) Switch to a faster Stamp model, like the BS2p or BS2px
3) Use an external serial input buffer like this:
If you want serial receive rates of greater than 9600 baud, you will have to upgrade to at least a BS2p Stamp and use the code from the following thread:
Hint: If would do a search before you post a thread, you might answer your own question.
If you are going to send·a Robot·to save the world, you·better make sure it likes it the way it is!