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PSC Question: Change (PW) Variable from Word to Byte — Parallax Forums

PSC Question: Change (PW) Variable from Word to Byte

eflyefly Posts: 34
edited 2008-02-17 21:41 in Robotics
Dear all,

Refer to below program from PSC manual, can I change the (PW) variable from Word to Byte??
In simply, the program became:
PW····· VAR··· · Byte
Instead of· ·: PW········· VAR··· · Word,
However, after Syntax Check, it show an error “Expected a smaller-size variable modifier”
This is important in order to reduce Basic Stamp’s RAM if we need to control > 10 Servo but find that the RAM is not enough to run.
PS: The exact Servo position may not important as I just need to control at three position : Center, CW & CCW.

Thanks if someone can help.
609 x 384 - 26K


  • Bruce BatesBruce Bates Posts: 3,045
    edited 2008-02-15 20:01
    efly -

    The variable PW can be a BYTE size, but you must be able to keep the value of it at 255 or less. That's why the variable is defined as a WORD. The BYTE sized variable will limit the movement of the servo because of the following range limits, as extracted from the PSC Manual (range is PW value):

    "The range, (250-1250), corresponds to 0 to 180 degrees of servo rotation with each step equaling 2 uSec."

    All the movement that is possible if you used a BYTE sized variable would be from 250-255 which won't give you the range you need.


    Bruce Bates

    "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration."

    Thomas Alva Edison
  • skatjskatj Posts: 88
    edited 2008-02-17 03:01

    You can't have a byte, and then refer to the higher 8 bits, then the lower 8 bits, it only has 8 bits!

    That's why you're getting the error, as for using a byte for that variable instead of a word, I'm a newb so I can't tell you that tongue.gif

    What's wrong with using a word?
  • UnsoundcodeUnsoundcode Posts: 1,532
    edited 2008-02-17 03:29
    Hi, the position instruction to the PSC must be a word value split into high byte and low byte.

    This does not mean that you need 16 word variables to control 16 servos. You only need one word variable that you assign a value to or have its value pre assigned.

    In your case·to move·a servo CW CCW or center you might have three subroutines that would move a servo·to one of those three·positions, the position word value would have its high byte and low byte pre assigned in each sub routine. All that would be needed is the channel number.

    Jeff T.
  • ZootZoot Posts: 2,227
    edited 2008-02-17 21:20
    You can also store servo positions as bytes and "scale" them to 2us units right before sending to the PSC.

    If you really need to conserve variable space on a Stamp without scratch pad ram, you don't *have* to keep actual servo positions in ram. It's certainly saves space (like if you are reading servo positions from an EE table, then you don't have to have *every* servo taking up a byte or word).

    Here's some code for sendng 10 servos to PSC. The numbers in scaling up to 2us units from bytes will be hair off at the extreme ends, but it works pretty well:

    svoMM     CON 195       ' use with * then divide by 100 to convert byte pos to PSC 2us pos
    svoDiv    CON 100       ' 2 decimal place accuracy
    svoRnd    CON svoMM+1/2 ' use for accurate rounding
    svoOffset CON 500       ' offset to get range up to 1000-2000us
    svo   VAR Byte(10) ' 10 servo positions in BYTES to save lots of space
    ramp  VAR Byte
    i     VAR Nib  ' reusable variable
    tmpW1 VAR Word ' reusable variable
    ramp = 10
    ' you could also use just one svo var, and read values from an EE table!
    svo(0) = 128 ' center = 1500us = 750 PSC units
    svo(1) = 128 ' center
    svo(2) = 255 ' = 2000us = 1000 2us PSC units
    svo(3) = 0   ' = 1000us = 500 2us PSC units
    ' etc.
    FOR i = 0 TO 9 ' loop through servos
        tmpW1 = svo(i) * svoMM + svoRnd / svoDiv + svoOffset
        SEROUT Sio, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse] "!SC", i, ramp, tmpW1.LOWBYTE, tmpW1.HIGHBYTE, CR ]

    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
  • ZootZoot Posts: 2,227
    edited 2008-02-17 21:41
    Code for sending servo vals from EE data table. Uses only 1 permanent variable (frame); all the rest can be reused in other routines and portions of code.

    svoMM     CON 195       ' use with * then divide by 100 to convert byte pos to PSC 2us pos
    svoDiv    CON 100       ' 2 decimal place accuracy
    svoRnd    CON svoMM+1/2 ' use for accurate rounding
    svoOffset CON 500       ' offset to get range up to 1000-2000us
    i     VAR Nib   ' reusable variable
    tmpB1 VAR Byte  ' reusable variable
    tmpB2 VAR Byte  ' reusable variable
    tmpW1 VAR Word  ' reusable variable
    frame VAR Byte ' which frame is current?
    frameDelay CON 2000 ' delay between frames, could be var also
    ' each frame is 8 bytes with each byte being a servo position and then a ramp value for that servo in this "frame", servos 0 - 3
    ' this is sorta how a lot of the walking robots (e.g. hexapod) move servo values to the servo controller(s)
    _frames DATA 128, 03, 128, 03, 128, 03, 128, 03 ' all centered
            DATA 000, 10, 000, 10, 000, 10, 000, 10 ' all the way to 1000us
            DATA 128, 60, 128, 60, 128, 60, 128, 60 ' back to center sloooowly
            DATA 255, 10, 255, 10, 255, 10, 255, 10 ' now other side
            DATA 128, 10, 128, 20, 128, 30, 128, 40 ' back to center, but all have different speeds
            DATA 032, 05, 064, 05, 096, 05, 196, 05 ' all different positions, same speeds
    _framesover DATA $FF ' used only as data address marker
       FOR i = 0 TO 3 ' start by centering all servos
         tmpB1 = 128  ' servo position as byte
         tmpB2 = 7    ' ramp as byte
         GOSUB Send_Servo
       PAUSE frameDelay
       frame = 0 ' initialize
       FOR i = 0 TO 3
         READ  _frames + ( frame * 8 ) + ( i * 2 ), tmpB1, tmpB2 ' read correct position and ramp val
         GOSUB Send_Servo
       PAUSE frameDelay
       frame = frame + 1
       IF _frames + ( frame * 8 ) >= _framesover THEN
         frame = 0
       GOTO Main
    ' -- parameters: i = svo channel; tmpB1 = svo pos as byte; tmpB2 = ramp
        tmpW1 = tmpB1 * svoMM + svoRnd / svoDiv + svoOffset
        SEROUT Sio, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse] "!SC", i, tmpB2, tmpW1.LOWBYTE, tmpW1.HIGHBYTE, CR ]

    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST

    Post Edited (Zoot) : 2/17/2008 10:42:59 PM GMT
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