Coding assistance
Looking for a student/teacher who would be willing to assist me with building a simple device.· I have a very rich programming background, and know that I can get it done myself, but something that should take hours to build·would likely take me half a lifetime.
The device would contain very few components (a couple of photodetectors, a few LEDS, a toggle switch, etc.) combined with some very simple code (randomization, simple logic that controls LEDS, etc.).· If possible, I would also ask you to place the device within a somewhat 'pretty' shell, so that it's not a circuit board with a bunch of wires dangling from it (but nothing fancy).· I will supply you with information & psudo-code that details the functionality.
I spoke to Parallax today, and I know that they have "authorized consultants" but unfortunately, I don't have the budget for that.· I would naturally compensate, but within the budget of a "starving inventor", and would obviously pay for all of the components required.
If you or someone you know are interested, please·feel free to contact me.
The device would contain very few components (a couple of photodetectors, a few LEDS, a toggle switch, etc.) combined with some very simple code (randomization, simple logic that controls LEDS, etc.).· If possible, I would also ask you to place the device within a somewhat 'pretty' shell, so that it's not a circuit board with a bunch of wires dangling from it (but nothing fancy).· I will supply you with information & psudo-code that details the functionality.
I spoke to Parallax today, and I know that they have "authorized consultants" but unfortunately, I don't have the budget for that.· I would naturally compensate, but within the budget of a "starving inventor", and would obviously pay for all of the components required.
If you or someone you know are interested, please·feel free to contact me.
·· Consider posting a request on this forum to Mike Green, Tracy Allen, and/or Chris Savage (Parallax). I am a teacher who's new to programming and they've all been very·helpful, to both my students and I. They're also extremely knowledgable.
I wish I could help you with the programming, but I don't want to pretend I know more than I do. As Mike Green has showed us, there are also lots of resources 'out here' to access and read. Try 'Googling' 'Parallax sample programs code', etc., etc. Also consider getting Parallax's book, "What Is A Microcontroller".
Mark in NH
The general rule would be to limit your posting to one forum for the same question.
Have fun with the project.
There are 10 types of people in this world,...
Those that understand binary numbers, and those that don't!!!