Visual Basic as GUI
I would like to use a visual basic· as a user interface to communicate to a basic stamp, is it absolutely necessary to install a level shifter to establish communication?, I'll appreciate any comment.
Post Edited (maad) : 2/13/2008 6:20:53 PM GMT
Post Edited (maad) : 2/13/2008 6:20:53 PM GMT
Jeff T.
Trying to figure out all of it still. lol... seeming as how mine hasnt gotten in the mail yet. Just thought I'd look here for ideas for what
to implement
I plan to release it as opensource when it's finished.
SelmaWare Solutions - StampPlot GUI for controllers, XBee and Propeller Application Boards
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Electronic Systems Technologies
American Technical Educator's Assoc. Conference·- April, Biloxi, MS. -- PROPELLER WORKSHOP!