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Resistor wire loose in black sockets on HomeWork Board — Parallax Forums

Resistor wire loose in black sockets on HomeWork Board

radiodaveradiodave Posts: 1
edited 2008-02-13 15:49 in BASIC Stamp
The leads on the resistors in the What's a Microcontroller kit are so thin that they don't make a good connection in the black sockets in the prototyping area. The wire is just sitting in the socket, there is no tight fit. The resistors fit the white breadboard sockets fine, I can feel a little resistance when I insert them there. Other leads like the jumper wires fit fine in all the sockets.

Right now I have to wiggle the resistors to make contact. Not a very reliable setup. I will go buy new resistors with thicker leads as a workaround.

Is there a trick?

Other than that, this kit is great! This is my first time with a BASIC Stamp and I have set up all the LEDs to flash in circle at varying speeds and it took less that an hour.


  • RDL2004RDL2004 Posts: 2,554
    edited 2008-02-13 14:08
    This is always a problem with this type of connector, 22 gauge solid wire works "okay", but anything smaller is often too loose. I usually run wire to spot on the breadboard and connect the resistor to there, if space is tight you can take the last 1/4" inch or so of the resistor lead and fold it back on itself then twist it to form a·fatter section to plug in the connector.

    - Rick
  • dandreaedandreae Posts: 1,375
    edited 2008-02-13 15:49
    I've always put a kink (just a little bend) on the resistor lead and it seems to work just fine.·


    Dave Andreae

    Parallax Tech Support·
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