Moving from basic stamp to SX. Difficult for beginner?
I'm new to microcontrollers and have been playing with the BS2. How much different is the SX from the stamp? I notice it's quite a bit cheaper. Is it more difficult to program?
There are some differences. Like serial data must be send one byte at a time. But for the most part conversion is not too hard.
Note that the SX does not have a built-in EEPROM or voltage regulators like the BS2 does. So if you need non-volitile storage or voltage regulation, you'll need to add external ones.
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That should give you a sound sense of SX/B'ing
There is also SX basic, which allows for commands very close to the Basic Stamps commands. and it all runs under the SX-key ids. Most of the books and info is free.
I recommend you getting a SX Tech Tool Kit PLUS and using the SX simulator work thru the available info.
To sum up it is more difficult, but I believe the final reward will be worth it. To give you an idea how powerfull the SX is check out