DeltaSigma ADC in unregulated circuit
Posts: 789
If I use·an ADC circuit like the one found on the demoboard micrphone, with a propeller powered by an unregulated 3.6V battery(Possibly with diode protect on positive) are the readings I would get going to be valid over the range of battery voltages I'm likely to see.
My guess is it would not work, but thought I would ask!
My guess is it would not work, but thought I would ask!
ANY ADC needs a reference to what "full count" will mean. In fact ADC of whatever kind give you just the feedback that your analogue input is just near the OUTPUT you have generated by your own DAC.
In other words: Any ADC ist nothing but DAC + Comparator.
As the voltage generated by linear regulators is +/-2% this has always been the highest accuracy of an uncalibrated Delta-Sigma ADC.
The situation in the context of a battery discharge curve is worse - you will discharge a Lithium battery from 4.1 Volts downto 3.1 V (= +/- 15%)
However there are precision reference diodes (LM385 are very popular) you can calibrate with. You can connect them to two "reference delta-sigma pins", or use a - say 25 cents 4051 - analogue multiplexer. The latter will give you an 8 channel ADC (minus 1 for the reference voltage) with 2 + 3 pins only at the Propeller
@deSilva Have you a datasheet on the 4051, Googled, but got a list of ink cartridges and CD players!
There is also a "stereo" version 2x 1:4 mux = 4052
However you should use the 74HC... makes of them
I don't get around to using logic chips as much as I like, however I due have the 138A HC series attached. If it would suffice all I would need is the diode of which you spoke right?
Reference diodes. This is tricky field. You can use Zener diodes of course, but they have bad temperature behaviour and cannot be calibrated. I enclose a link mostly useless to you, as it is a German one, but with lots of interesting details (This site of SPRUT contains much more very knowledgeable things...)
The author recommends the LM336-2.5
I think I will most likely just use a normal microphone set-up(very limited real estate on the pcb), but I must say your idea for an 8 channel adc is facinateing and the referance diode adds a nice touch found in expensive ADCs.
I can imagine a circuit that would allow for a 4 channel - mius one for referance, but I don't see you theory of 8.
Even though I will not implement it in this app, could I trouble you to conjure up a schematic for the circuit you purpose?
I do have an app in mind that would need 4 ADC channels, this would definnatly be a lower part count than 4 sigma Delta circuits.
Less pins too!
Thank you!