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Video Problems !

Johan1968Johan1968 Posts: 22
edited 2008-02-10 18:58 in Propeller 1
Hello !
Can some tell me what the problem is with this code?

In The VideDisplay row wen it will start and intitialize objekt, i get a error and it says "Expected "(" "
se marked red

Regards Johan

_clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
_xinfreq = 5_000_000
NewLine = 13
Out = %1
In = %0
Word Value
VideoDisplay: "Tv_terminal"

PUB Start
VideoDisplay.Start ' in this line i get the Error Msg........ get a error and it says "Expected "(" "
DirA := In
' Display value as Decimal
Value := 500
VideoDisplay.Dec(Value) 'Display decimal value
'Output on the video monitor :
'Displays Value as hex
Value := $FF
VideoDisplay.Hex(Value,2) 'Displays a hex value 2 digits
'Output on the video monitor:
'Displays Value as Binary
Value := %0001_0001
VideoDisplay.Bin(Value,8) 'Displays a binary using 8 digits
'Outpu on the video display monitor:
WaitCnt(1_000_000_000 + Cnt) 'Kepps output on the screen for 10 seconds.
'Monitors Pin A1
'Output on the video monitor:
'0 or 1 depending on input state at pin A1
'0 or 1 depending on input state at pin A1
'0 or 1 depending on input state at pin A1
'0 or 1 depending on input state at pin A1
'0 or 1 depending on input state at pin A1
PRI SetScreenToWhiteOnDarkblue


  • Johan1968Johan1968 Posts: 22
    edited 2008-02-09 18:07
    In The VideDisplay.Start row i must have a "()" and some var on so in that ? i think it is . can some help me ?

  • Johan1968Johan1968 Posts: 22
    edited 2008-02-09 18:09
    And this is for NtsC but can o change it tp PAL system ? for Europa ?

  • Chuck McManisChuck McManis Posts: 65
    edited 2008-02-09 18:48
    Generally it wants to know what pin to start the display on. If you're using the propeller demo board that would be pin 12 I believe.

    Open up the Propeller Library Demo "tv_text_demo.spin" or something like that to see how to use this object.

  • RinksCustomsRinksCustoms Posts: 531
    edited 2008-02-10 17:16
    Chuck is right, " Videodisplay.start(pin#) - NOTE: Only put the lowest numbered pin in which your video DAC starts on, and it must start within a multiple of 4 pins and all in the same group, ie.- 0,4,8,12,16.. ect.

    E3 = Thought·- Donating some CPU/GPU downtime just might lead to a cure for cancer! My team stats.
  • Johan1968Johan1968 Posts: 22
    edited 2008-02-10 18:58
    Yes ! right !
    it works. Thanks. your help is a good way.

    Regards Johan
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