Voltage Question
I have a homework board which has a 5 volt regulator build onto it. My question is I m going to be using a 7.5 battery pack from RC car as power supply. I understand that these packs are designed to unload very quickly. So my quest is should I do something to protect the board before I connect the battery pack?
The usual thing that is done to protect devices from excess current is to use a fuse. You can get "in-line" fuse holders at Radio Shack and auto parts stores designed for use in an automobile. You could put one of these in the positive (usually red) wire from the battery pack and use a 1/2 Ampere fuse.
There’s really no need to do anything specific to connect your battery. It cannot expend power any faster than dictated by current draw, which, on that board will be negligible unless you have a short somewhere.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
If you plan to control something that requires more than 1/2A at 5V, you will need some kind of add-on regulator. Usually things that need that kind of power (like motors) work off an unregulated supply anyway.