Replace several pots with the bs2
I am looking to build my own two deck CD player/ FM/AM radio out of diy module kits. All the audio kits have pots on them, but stacking them nicely onto a front bezel of a rackmount case would be difficult. What I want to do is to be able to have a bs or bs2 control all the pots and display the values on a LCD display on the front panel. Basically I want to replace tone/bass/balance controls and the fm/am radio dial. The panel would have up/down buttons and a mode button to toggle between the different modes (aka pot value to change). No enter button is needed because it could just time-out to accept the value change. The CD-rom audio playback module accepts standard computer cd-rom drives(ide) and has a IR remote and it's own switches and LEDs. I can just bring each component out to the front panel individually, but the pots are my major concern. I would have a switch to toggle power to the individual functions(such as AM/FM radio or CD), but the basic stamp and audio modules would be powered all the time. What is needed to allow different resistences to be sent from a basic stamp? Basically i'm just asking how to digitize an analog pot.