bs2 simple using debugin command help
im really new to basic stamp and im looking for help regarding the debugin comand that allows you to enter numbers the the debug window
ultimatly i would like to enter a number lets say 1 and in return i would like power to go to pin1·.. so when i type one it sends power lighting an led or whatever,, on top of that i would like to make it so if i put in say 2 it would send power to a diffrent pin so i could turn on differnt leds with differnt numbers in the debug window... and if thats not complicated enough i want it when i hold· say the 1 button down in the window it keeps the light corosponing to that pin # on
any and all help/code samples would be much appreciated thanks for the help!!!! Ben
ultimatly i would like to enter a number lets say 1 and in return i would like power to go to pin1·.. so when i type one it sends power lighting an led or whatever,, on top of that i would like to make it so if i put in say 2 it would send power to a diffrent pin so i could turn on differnt leds with differnt numbers in the debug window... and if thats not complicated enough i want it when i hold· say the 1 button down in the window it keeps the light corosponing to that pin # on
any and all help/code samples would be much appreciated thanks for the help!!!! Ben