Multislot programs
do I understand it right, that the RUN command switches to another slot and allways starts the program there from the beginning?
There is no such thing like a GOSUB to another slot and then RETURN to the calling slot?
All slots share the same RAM, so that writing to variables in one slot overwrites that in another one, right?
If I want to implement GOSUB like slot switching I would need to store my last program position in scratch pad RAM before the RUN and have at the beginning of my program an ON GOSUB which is based on that value?
Are there any documents about using multiple slot programming?
do I understand it right, that the RUN command switches to another slot and allways starts the program there from the beginning?
There is no such thing like a GOSUB to another slot and then RETURN to the calling slot?
All slots share the same RAM, so that writing to variables in one slot overwrites that in another one, right?
If I want to implement GOSUB like slot switching I would need to store my last program position in scratch pad RAM before the RUN and have at the beginning of my program an ON GOSUB which is based on that value?
Are there any documents about using multiple slot programming?
What you say is basically all true with some minor modifications. When you say:
"All slots share the same RAM, so that writing to variables in one slot overwrites that in another one, right?"
That presumes you have placed the variable allocations in the same order in each slot, as you should have done. If not, variables can easily get clobbered.
Here are some references, tutorials and examples for multi-bank programming:
From Dr. Tracy Allen's web site -
Nuts & Volts Magazine Column 87 from the following web page:
That should get you started.
Bruce Bates
There is no pleasure in having nothing to do;
the fun is in having lots to do, and not doing it!