ASK Pollrun
I have some homework from my lecture.
make interrupt program using Poll command. But Poll command can not return, how to make return to in last program when pollrun. Please help......
make interrupt program using Poll command. But Poll command can not return, how to make return to in last program when pollrun. Please help......
Tracy Allen
So maybe:
1. Define data variables the same for all programs, so they can be safely shared.
2. Use program 0 to init everything and get everything started and switch to your background or shell program in bank 2 (such as updating LED's, other non-critical background tasks)
3. Put the pollrun program into another area, such as bank 1.
4. To exit the pollrun and not execute all the initialization code, put the "background" or your "program shell" onto another bank and switch to it (such as bank 2 as mentioned earlier).