Parallax Servo Controller with Propeller SPIN
Posts: 44
Is there anyway one could use the Parallax Servo Controller with the Propeller using the SPIN language?
I hate to waste a good servo controller since I upgraded to the propeller.
I have tried to make use of the BS2 Functions by Martin Hebel in the objects but to no avail.
I hate to waste a good servo controller since I upgraded to the propeller.
I have tried to make use of the BS2 Functions by Martin Hebel in the objects but to no avail.
You'll need a 1K current limiting resistor between the Propeller and the PSC in the output line from the PSC and it would be a good idea to use one in the input line to the PSC as well.· Because the PSC is a 5V device, its output lines can damage the Propeller's input circuitry without some current limiting resistance.
I have the following;
- a 10k from Prop to pin 0
- 4.7k from Prop pin 0 to VDD (5v) - pull-up
- Black servo lead to PSC directly to prop VSS
- Separate battery pack connected to the PSC
The PSC green LED should not be on all the time…The default power-on condition is that all output channels will be pulsed at 1.5ms (center position) until other commands are received. As for a pull-up resistor, that only serves to complicate things as your fighting a pulling battle on both sides of the resistor. The PSC has an internal pull-up already, so that’s not needed. Being non-inverted (true), the default idle state of the serial line is high. The problem is that with the series resistor you may not be able to assert the serial line low enough to be a zero on the PSC side. This is because in addition to the internal pull-up you’re fighting the additional pull-up implied by the LED connected directly between the serial line and the PSC VDD. So when you assert the line low, the LED causes a pull-up. Since you have the series resistor this complicates things. I know I covered all of this before and I will try to find my old thread to see what I cam up with for a solution. In the meantime, I would try powering the PSC without anything connected to its serial line and see if it centers the servos. As a side note, non-calibrated CR servos may in fact start spinning when they should be stopped.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
The transistor inverts the logic signal, so you need to use the mode parameter in FullDuplexSerial or the equivalent mode parameter for the BS2 SEROUT functions to invert the serial output information.
Chris: When I remove the connection to the serial line from the Prop the servos stop rotating. From a "cold state" when I power up the device the servos move slightly (when the Prop serial pin is not connected).
Mike: I saw some previous threads and was cautious with regards to the 5v line from the Servos and put the resistor in as is noted in "protecting the prop". Thanks for the tip regarding the NPN transistor. I will try this out tonight.
The green light now comes on, on the PSC board when I send a serial message. My code is as follows;
I get back "!SCVER" - unsure why this is so and not the version number?
When I try to send any positioning commands, the servo does not respond.
When sending any commands the green light stays on permanently.
Code for the positioning:
Any ideas from here?
your call of the servo_cont.start-command
defines Rx-Pin AND Tx-Pin to be P0 so the receving routine looks on the sending state of the sending PIN
and "receives" what is sended out
if you take a look into the sourcecode of the start-method
first Parameter is the RX-Pin
second parameter is the Tx-PIN
i want to explain a little bit how i found this
you received "!SCVER" which is almost the same like you sended out "!SCVER?" (additional "?" at the end)
i was asking myself "looks like an echo". Does the PSC send an echo if the command is wrong?
I took a look into the manual - there's nothing mentioned about echoing.
Where could the echo come from ? wrong connection of the PINs ? Shortcut between Rx and Tx-pin?
Then i was looking again on your code. servo_cont.start(0, 0, 0, 2400) - hm three parameters a zero ?
wasn't two of the parameters Rx and Tx-Pin?
taking a look into the sourcecode of Extended_serial
yes it is !
For further developing: make ONE change at a time testing out this change. Then the next. By this way you keep the area
where an error could be as small as possible which makes it easier to find the error.
Without having seen the error in the code i would have done this
Testing every part of the system separately
testing the serial comport of my PC:
with a closed-loop TX-Pin directly connected to Rx-pin
sending out something with the terminalsoftware should be echoed immediatly
testing does a terminalsoftware communicate with the PSC?
sending the "!SCVER?" command via terminalsoftware does the PSC answer?
testing is there a shortcut between Rx and TX-Pin
connecting the cable but NOT the PSC running the testsoftware
is something received?
testing what is the propeller sending out
connecting ONLY the tx-pin with a PC running a terminalsoftware
checking what does the terminalsoftware receive?
testing what does the propeller receive from the terminalsoftware ?
connecting ONLY the Rx-pin of the propeller with a PC
writing a short testprogram just echoing what has been received or a loop waiting
for a special command like "XXYY" and then toggle a LED
depending on wich HARDWARE pin would be the Rx / Tx-Pin on one of the two cases you
wouldn't receive something.
Maybe already looking at your code for this test
"Ok Rx-Pin is 0 ...receiving is working"
"Tx-Pin is 0 too ?? you would have found it
best regards
Post Edited (StefanL38) : 7/5/2008 10:24:28 AM GMT
Aside from the rx / tx issue the fact the servo does not move is unexplained. Also note I have in my tests set the rx line in the initialization to -1 but this made no difference. The servos did not move.
Ps; apologies for any typos as I am responding from my iPhone.
sorry now i took a close look into the manual of the psc. It uses the SAME PIN for sending AND receiving.
For this special and unusual situation the standard-use of a fullduplex serial driver like FullDuplexSerial.spin or Extended_FD-Serial.spin is not possible.
The IO-pin of the Tx-Pin is set as an Output. The IO-Pin of the Rx-Pin is set as an input. But ONE pin cannot be Output and Input at the SAME time.
FullDuplexserial expects TWO DIFFERENT Pin-numbers for Tx and Rx. Because the IO-mode of both Pins is set to Output/input statically at initialisation.
The PSC has only ONE pin for sending and receiving.
This makes it nescessary to change the IO-Mode of the PIN always for and back
between Output (low resistance of the IO-Pin) and Input (high resistance of the IO-Pin).
You have to use the basicstamp-equavelent routines for the propeller.
There you have the routines serout_str and SERIN_STR. These routines set the IO-mode of the IO-PIN DYNAMICALLY and new everytime they were called
So you can transfer the basicstamp example from the PDC-manual to SPIN using the BS2-Functions.spin
Another idea might be to modify the assembler-routines of FullDuplexSerial:
if Tx-Pin and Rx-Pin are the same number change the mode of the PIN dynamically inside the "ping-pong multitasking" that always jumps between receiving and transmitting
I'm not sure if this could work because the switching from high to low resistance will happen will received databits are still high.
best regards
Post Edited (StefanL38) : 7/5/2008 7:17:03 PM GMT
Apart form the fact that I cannot get the version number, I have not been able to get the Prop to communicate with the PSC and have any servos move. I am seeing the green light flash with the serial commands, but the servos never actually move.
Make sure that the Simple_Serial object is using the same baud rate as is set on the PSC.
Hope this helps.
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I was trying to get the version number as a way to confirm that all my setting were correct, which given the garbage return data, may well be incorrect. Anyway, I have posted the code above.
May my issue be with how I am sending the data? In that I am sending the Position rather than the low and high bytes of the position?
I changed the code to the following without any success (servo sill did not move - note I have tested multiple servos)
Note, I have looked at the PSC code published by Steve Norris located here: - the low and high byte idea came from this code. Unfortunately it has made no difference. I am also not getting any response when sending the !SCVER? command.
Also note that the green light flashes on the servo controller when the serial commands are sent. If I manually turn the servo and then turn on the servo controller, the servo centers. So the PSC appears to be hooked up correctly.
Post Edited (stamped) : 7/6/2008 11:06:54 AM GMT
did you take a look inside the file simple_serial.spin method init ?
There is a documentation about the different modes and how they have to be initialized.
From what you have posted until know i cannot check if all details were right.
As long as you did not post all your details this is searching in the fog hoping to hit the target but not knowing in which direction it is.
Could you please attache ALL SPIN-files that are nescessary for compiling AND the circuit that you are using. This circuit should show all details.
I go back to checking the very basic things
- is ground of Prop and ground of PSC connected?
- you init(0,0,-2400) which means inverted mode and for this mode there has to be a resistor 4,7kOhm as a pull-down-resistor
from Prop-Pin to ground. But i'm not sure if it is a pull-down-resistor the symbolic and text is not clear to me
it might be a pull-up-resistor to +3,3V
@parallax: could you clear things up by editing the documentation of simple_serial.spin by using two SEPERATE sentences ?
for Same-Pin (Bi-Directional) TRUE-Mode use a xxx-resistor
for Same-Pin (Bi-Directional) INVERTED-Mode use a xxx-resistor
i guess it's meant this way round but i'm not sure
Do have a serial interface that can transform standard RS232-level (+-12V) from a PC down to TTL ?
Or a basic stamp ?
With this you could check if the PSC is responding at all by sending the commands from the basicstamp or a terminalsoftware from the PC
After that you can be sure the PSC is still working
Next step will be to test the propeller what does the terminalsoftware receive from the propeller?
best regards
+3.3 to LV and +5 to HV. You dont need channel 2 or the receive side of channel 1. A similar circuit is also talked about in the 5V interface thread.
Also the curcuit will not invert so you need to remvoe the invert flag
Specifically what is the format for sending the data to the PSC, especially surrounding the High and Low byte for the servo positions.
I assume the above code should work if everything is wired correctly?
to get low and highbyte of a value you have to calculate the following
best regards
Post Edited By Moderator (Chris Savage (Parallax)) : 7/7/2008 2:42:28 PM GMT
psc : "Extended_FDSerial"
psc.start(15,15,%1100,2400) ' start psc communication service mode: open-drain/source tx/ignore tx echo on rx
where psc uses Extended Full-Duplex Serial Object Version 1.1.0
Transmit and receive on the same pin works fine.
Dennis B. Page, Page Radio Company
thank you for your post. I wasn't aware that Extended_FDSerial-object already can manage sending and receivig on the same PIN.
i've learned something new.
best regards