BS2px and DS1302
Has anyone had problems using the following standard PBASIC code for the DS1302 on the BS2px?
When I attempt to run this, the debug window will remain stable for a few seconds and then start randomly destroying the menu. I can rapidly enter values to set time, but when it should write to the stamp, none of the values appear on a read time test when I reset. Also, I cannot set the stamp to talk to the debug window at 9600 baud. Without exception it appears to default to 19200. Has anyone seen these behaviors?
' {$STAMP BS2px} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} ' ' ========================================================================= ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Program Description ]--------------------------------------------- ' This code demonstrates the use of the DS1302 RTC/RAM Chip with the BASIC ' Stamp 2 Microcontroller, making easy use of the 12 Hour & 24 Hour time ' modes, as well as accessing the RAM. The sample code will use the DEBUG ' window for input and output for simplicity. You can change the output ' to the device of your choice. ' This code will work on all BS2 Stamp Modules. ' ' Pin Assignments ' 11 DS1302 DataIO ' 12 DS1302 Clock ' 10 DS1302 Chip Select ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] I/O Definitions ]------------------------------------------------- DataIO PIN 6 ' DS1302.6 Clock PIN 7 ' DS1302.7 CS1302 PIN 5 ' DS1302.5 ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Constants ]------------------------------------------------------- WrSecs CON $80 ' Write Seconds RdSecs CON $81 ' Read Seconds WrMins CON $82 ' Write Minutes RdMins CON $83 ' Read Minutes WrHrs CON $84 ' Write Hours RdHrs CON $85 ' Read Hours CWPr CON $8E ' Write Protect Register WPr1 CON $80 ' Set Write Protect WPr0 CON $00 ' Clear Write Protect WrBurst CON $BE ' Write Burst Of Data RdBurst CON $BF ' Read Burst Of Data WrRam CON $C0 ' Write RAM Data RdRam CON $C1 ' Read RAM Data Hr24 CON 0 ' 24 Hour Mode Hr12 CON 1 ' 12 Hour Mode ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]------------------------------------------------------- index VAR Byte ' Loop Counter reg VAR Byte ' Read/Write Address ioByte VAR Byte ' Data To/From DS1302 secs VAR Byte ' Seconds secs01 VAR secs.LOWNIB secs10 VAR secs.HIGHNIB mins VAR Byte ' Minutes mins01 VAR mins.LOWNIB mins10 VAR mins.HIGHNIB hrs VAR Byte ' Hours hrs01 VAR hrs.LOWNIB hrs10 VAR hrs.HIGHNIB date VAR Byte month VAR Byte day VAR Nib ' Day year VAR Byte ' Year ampm VAR hrs.BIT5 ' AM/PM Flag Bit clockMode VAR hrs.BIT7 ' 12/24 Hour Mode Bit ampmFlag VAR Bit ' 0 = AM, 1 = PM modeFlag VAR Bit ' 0 = 24, 1 = 12 (Hours) work VAR Byte ' Work Data ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] EEPROM Data ]----------------------------------------------------- Sun DATA "SUN", 0 ' Day Abbreviations Mon DATA "MON", 0 Tue DATA "TUE", 0 ' These data statements could Wed DATA "WED", 0 ' contain the full day name and Thu DATA "THU", 0 ' the code would still work Fri DATA "FRI", 0 ' without change. Sat DATA "SAT", 0 ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization ]-------------------------------------------------- Init: reg = CWPr ' Initialize DS1302 ioByte = WPr0 ' Clear Write Protect GOSUB RTC_Out ' Send Command ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Program Code ]---------------------------------------------------- Start: DO ' DEBUG Menu DEBUG CLS ' Clear The DEBUG Screen DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 0, "Press 1 to Set Date/Time.", CR DEBUG CRSRXY, 6, 1, "2 to Display Date/Time.", CR DEBUG CRSRXY, 6, 2, "3 to Set/Read DS1302 RAM.", CR DEBUG CRSRXY, 6, 4, "RESET Stamp to return to menu.", CR DEBUGIN DEC1 work ' Get 1 Number IF work = 1 THEN GOSUB Set_Mode GOSUB Set_Time ELSEIF work = 2 THEN DEBUG CLS ' Clear The DEBUG Screen DO GOSUB Get_Time ' Get The Current Date/Time GOSUB Show_Time ' Display It LOOP ELSEIF work = 3 THEN GOSUB RAM_Mode ENDIF LOOP ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutines ]----------------------------------------------------- Set_Mode: DEBUG CLS ' Clear The DEBUG Screen DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 0, "Enter 2 digit year, i.e. 05 = 2005:", CR DEBUGIN HEX2 year ' Set Year DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 1, "Enter 2 digit month, i.e. 03 = March:", CR DEBUGIN HEX2 month ' Set Month DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 2, "Enter 2 digit date, i.e. 02 = 2nd:", CR DEBUGIN HEX2 date ' Set Date DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 3, "Enter day of the week as a number 1-7", CR DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 4, "1=SUN, 2=MON, 3=TUE, 4=WED, 5=THU, 6=FRI, 7=SAT", CR DEBUGIN HEX1 day ' Set Day DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 5, "Enter 1 for 12 Hour Mode or 0 for 24 Hour Mode:", CR DEBUGIN HEX1 modeFlag IF modeFlag = 0 THEN DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 6, "Enter 2 digit hour, 00-23:", CR DEBUGIN HEX2 hrs ' Set Hours (24 Hour Mode) ELSE DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 6, "Enter 2 digit hour, 01-12:", CR DEBUGIN HEX2 hrs ' Set Hours (12 Hour Mode) DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 7, "Enter 0 for AM, 1 for PM:", CR DEBUGIN HEX1 ampmFlag ' Set AM/PM Flag ENDIF DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 8, "Enter 2 digit minutes, 00-59:", CR DEBUGIN HEX2 mins ' Set Minutes ' Setting clockMode to modeFlag will effectively ' set or clear BIT7 in the hrs variable. clockMode = modeFlag ' Setting ampm to ampmFlag will effectively set BIT5 in the ' hrs variable to the proper value. ' This must only be done when modeFlag is set (12 Hour Mode), ' otherwise you can destroy hours above 19 in 24 Hour Mode. IF modeFlag = 1 THEN ampm = ampmFlag DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 9, "Press ENTER to set time.", CR DEBUGIN work RETURN ' Send Time/Date To DS1302 RAM_Mode: DO DEBUG CLS, "Enter an address from 0-30 (>31 Exits):", CR DEBUGIN DEC2 index ' Address in DS1302 RAM IF index > 30 THEN EXIT ' Exit if out of range DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 1, "Enter # from 0-255 to store at ", DEC index, CR DEBUGIN DEC3 ioByte ' Value to store in DS1302 RAM DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 2, "Storing ", DEC ioByte, " at ", DEC index, CR ' The address to store data in the DS1302 RAM is obtained by OR-ing ' the command byte with the address shifted left one bit. This is ' because the command byte uses BIT0, BIT6 and BIT7. The address ' occupies BIT1 through BIT5. You are effectively putting the address ' in BIT1-BIT5 of reg. ' Write RAM command = 11xxxxx0 (Uses 3 bits) ' Read RAM command = 11xxxxx1 (Uses 3 bits) ' xxxxx = address (Uses 5 bits) reg = WrRam | (index << 1) ' RAM Write Mode + Address GOSUB RTC_Out ' Send reg + ioByte ioByte = 0 ' Clear Data Variable reg = RdRam | (index << 1) ' RAM Read Mode + Address GOSUB RTC_In ' Get Data From Address DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 3, "Address ", DEC index, " contains ", DEC ioByte, CR DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 4, "Press ENTER.", CR DEBUGIN work LOOP RETURN Show_Time: DEBUG HOME ' DEBUG Home Position DEBUG "RESET Stamp to return to menu.", CR LOOKUP (day - 1), [noparse][[/noparse]Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat], work DO ' Display Day Abbreviation READ work, ioByte ' Read Each Character Into ioByte IF (ioByte = 0) THEN EXIT ' If 0 then done DEBUG ioByte ' Send Character To DEBUG Screen work = work + 1 ' Increment Address LOOP ' Next Character, If 0 Then Done ' When reading the DS1302's clock data, BIT7 will be set when the RTC ' is in 12 Hour Mode. We need to save this information, but we must ' then clear this bit so it doesn't interfere with the display. Since ' the data is in BCD format, leaving BIT7 set would give us invalid ' value to display. If the DS1302 is in 12 Hour Mode then we must ' also save the status of BIT5, which is the AM/PM bit, however, once ' again we must clear this Bit so our digits are valid for display. ' If the DS1302 is in 24 Hour Mode we must LEAVE BIT5 alone, since it ' is used when the hours are greater than 19. ' These bits remain at their original value on the DS1302, and will ' be reset on each read. modeFlag = clockMode ' Save 12/24 Hour Clock Mode clockMode = 0 ' Clear BIT7 ampmFlag = ampm ' Save AM/PM Flag IF modeFlag = 1 THEN ampm = 0 ' Clear BIT5 (12 Hour Mode only!) DEBUG " ", HEX2 month, "/", HEX2 date, "/", HEX2 year, " " ' If clockMode is cleared, then the modeFlag will be 0 and the ' time will display in 24 hour format. ' If clockMode is set, then the modeFlag will be 1 and the ' time will display in 12 Hour format with an AM/PM suffix. IF (modeFlag = Hr24) THEN ' Check For 24 Hour Display mode DEBUG HEX2 hrs, ":", HEX2 mins, ":", HEX2 secs ELSE DEBUG HEX2 hrs, ":", HEX2 mins ' Print Hours/Minutes IF ampmFlag = 0 THEN DEBUG "AM" ELSE DEBUG "PM" ENDIF DEBUG " [noparse][[/noparse]", HEX2 secs, "]" ENDIF RETURN RTC_Out: HIGH CS1302 ' Select DS1302 SHIFTOUT DataIO, Clock, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]reg, ioByte] LOW CS1302 ' Deselect DS1302 RETURN RTC_In: HIGH CS1302 ' Select DS1302 SHIFTOUT DataIO, Clock, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]reg] SHIFTIN DataIO, Clock, LSBPRE, [noparse][[/noparse]ioByte] LOW CS1302 ' Deselect DS1302 RETURN Set_Time: ' DS1302 Burst Write HIGH CS1302 ' Select DS1302 SHIFTOUT DataIO, Clock, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]WrBurst] SHIFTOUT DataIO, Clock, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]secs, mins, hrs, date, month, day, year, 0] LOW CS1302 ' Deselect DS1302 RETURN Get_Time: ' DS1302 Burst Read HIGH CS1302 ' Select DS1302 SHIFTOUT DataIO, Clock, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]RdBurst] SHIFTIN DataIO, Clock, LSBPRE, [noparse][[/noparse]secs, mins, hrs, date, month, day, year] LOW CS1302 ' Deselect DS1302 RETURN
When I attempt to run this, the debug window will remain stable for a few seconds and then start randomly destroying the menu. I can rapidly enter values to set time, but when it should write to the stamp, none of the values appear on a read time test when I reset. Also, I cannot set the stamp to talk to the debug window at 9600 baud. Without exception it appears to default to 19200. Has anyone seen these behaviors?
I've never used that program, so I can't help you there. The default baud rate for the BS-2px is indeed 19.2 KBPS.
Bruce Bates
There is no pleasure in having nothing to do;
the fun is in having lots to do, and not doing it!
I have used this before and when· you input the time date is fine but when you enter the day of the week is where it can mess you up
2008········ Year
02············ Month
03············ Day
1···············Day of the Week
0·············· OR 1········· 12 OR 24
10············· hrs
1··············· pm
20············· mins
But this is only shown in the debug screen at the top where it is white
When I attempt to run this, the debug window will remain stable for a few seconds and then start randomly destroying the menu. I can rapidly enter values to set time, but when it should write to the stamp, none of the values appear on a read time test when I reset.
It will all run together on the debug screen and you do not think that you have it set
One more thing only hit the reset for the Basic Stamp and· keep the power to the the DS1302 chip unless you have a battery back up hook up to the DS1302 chip other wis you lose the time
If you do not enter it in the right way none of it will be set and you have to start over again
I hope this helps you out
··Thanks for any·
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 2/4/2008 12:32:45 AM GMT