I am doing testing on a Hybrid board.
It uses P24-27 for tv, I changed text.start(12) to read text.start(24) however all I get is white specks on a black background.
I am using a Pal TV.
Is there anything else I have to change in order to get TV Text to work.
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Do they use a 10MHz crystal? I also believe that on the HYDRA the resistors on the video DAC are the opposite way to those on the Demo board. Would someone who knows about the hybrid care to comment?
For just checking the hardware try these test programs I used with Drone some time ago: http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?p=699285
They are called MPE_TEXT_021NTSC and MPE_TEXT_021PAL and are configured for the Hydra (Pin 24)
Oh, I see, its already working with you
@computer guy that is correct, if you want to see the schedule just comment out the line that displays it in the doInstruction method. You can also slow it down by uncommenting the waitcnt(cnt) in the start method. Since I'm only storing and checking things by the minute we only need to check every minute or slightly less. note that instead of doing this it would be better to wait for the serial for this amount of time than just a wait cnt.
computer guy said...
If my quick scan over that thread is correct.
Is that a modified TV driver for smaller(pocket size) tv's?
Yes, it addresses some of the quality problems with 320x240 pixel screens WITHOUT having to modify the TV-driver. For some applications you just need a few good looking characters for small messages...
If I was to for testing purposes want to add a schedule via the "basic stamp editor dubug terminal" or "Hyper terminal".
What would I send.
When I launch the program (on the prop) it displays "Finished setup" in the terminal, but I can't get it to add a schdule.
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I'm just about to start testing it. However I'm using a mac at the moment so you will have to figure out where the settings are in the program that you are using.
The commands you need to send are something like this
BYTE %0101000
BYTE day (0 to 6)
BYTE hour (0 to 12)
BYTE minute (0 to 60)
BYTE instruction code (whatever you define)
I have found a slight bug.
It is not backing up the number of schedule items.
So I added the line-
That now allows me to reboot the prop and still keep the records.
The only problem is that any manually added records loose their data.
In order to get it to listen for a new record I have to type '(' in to the terminal.
I am assuming that the binary representation of '(' is %0101000 is this correct?
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Somebody said...
I have found a slight bug.
It is not backing up the number of schedule items.
So I added the line-
That now allows me to reboot the prop and still keep the records.
The only problem is that any manually added records loose their data.
I noticed that yesterday and just hadn't fixed it yet. See attached version.
Somebody said...
In order to get it to listen for a new record I have to type '(' in to the terminal.
I am assuming that the binary representation of '(' is %0101000 is this correct?
That would be a good guess. In this new version you can use
-"n" to add an item
-"s" to send the schedule
-"c" to clear the schedule
This isn't tested yet. I haven't got quite got the serial working on my mac yet I've never used a serial terminal on a mac yet
Have a look at the changes in the backupSchedule and insertItem methods and in the CON section before the checkSerial method.
Fixed a bug, I wasn't writing all the schedule items to the eeprom, now fixed.
Also, did you know that if you are using your propPlug you have to set the tx and rx pins to 30 and 31. I forgot to change them and was wondering why I wasn't getting anything
One other thing.
Is the clear code meant to remove all entries because all it does is fool the prop into thinking there are no schedules and then gradually override them as you add new ones.
The 's' command only displays random garbage.
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computer guy said...
One other thing.
Is the clear code meant to remove all entries because all it does is fool the prop into thinking there are no schedules and then gradually override them as you add new ones.
That would be correct
Somebody said...
The 's' command only displays random garbage.
Could the problem with the 's' command be that it is displaying the ascii equivalent.
Maybe they need to be converted to decimals and strings before they are sent.
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This will only work for single digit numbers though. If you want to use ascii for all of it you will need to use the Numbers object to convert from a string to a number.
code looks good.
I will test the code in the next few days.
Will keep you posted.
Thank you
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I am doing testing on a Hybrid board.
It uses P24-27 for tv, I changed text.start(12) to read text.start(24) however all I get is white specks on a black background.
I am using a Pal TV.
Is there anything else I have to change in order to get TV Text to work.
Thank you
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You need to change this line in the DAT section
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might have to look into the Hybrids timing. I think.
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It is now working.
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They are called MPE_TEXT_021NTSC and MPE_TEXT_021PAL and are configured for the Hydra (Pin 24)
Oh, I see, its already working with you
I am assuming this is because I have no RTC attached at the moment.
Thank you
If my quick scan over that thread is correct.
Is that a modified TV driver for smaller(pocket size) tv's?
Thank you
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If I was to for testing purposes want to add a schedule via the "basic stamp editor dubug terminal" or "Hyper terminal".
What would I send.
When I launch the program (on the prop) it displays "Finished setup" in the terminal, but I can't get it to add a schdule.
Thank you
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The commands you need to send are something like this
BYTE %0101000
BYTE day (0 to 6)
BYTE hour (0 to 12)
BYTE minute (0 to 60)
BYTE instruction code (whatever you define)
I have found a slight bug.
It is not backing up the number of schedule items.
So I added the line-
That now allows me to reboot the prop and still keep the records.
The only problem is that any manually added records loose their data.
In order to get it to listen for a new record I have to type '(' in to the terminal.
I am assuming that the binary representation of '(' is %0101000 is this correct?
Thank you
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I noticed that yesterday and just hadn't fixed it yet. See attached version.
That would be a good guess. In this new version you can use
-"n" to add an item
-"s" to send the schedule
-"c" to clear the schedule
This isn't tested yet. I haven't got quite got the serial working on my mac yet I've never used a serial terminal on a mac yet
Have a look at the changes in the backupSchedule and insertItem methods and in the CON section before the checkSerial method.
Also, did you know that if you are using your propPlug you have to set the tx and rx pins to 30 and 31. I forgot to change them and was wondering why I wasn't getting anything
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Is the clear code meant to remove all entries because all it does is fool the prop into thinking there are no schedules and then gradually override them as you add new ones.
The 's' command only displays random garbage.
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That would be correct
I'm checking this at the moment.
Maybe they need to be converted to decimals and strings before they are sent.
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when you say
BYTE day (0 to 6)
BYTE hour (0 to 12)
BYTE minute (0 to 60)
BYTE instruction code (whatever you define)
could you give an example?
I can get it to add an item but I just type random data and I get reading like-
Time 54:54 Day , Code 32
It would be nice to test it with real data.
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to this
This will only work for single digit numbers though. If you want to use ascii for all of it you will need to use the Numbers object to convert from a string to a number.
Will make a quick program in VB for debug then.
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I can add and clear the items nicely.
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