newbie getting going. Basic questions. Which product to use
Sorry about the beginner.s question
I am trying to control an electric car's travel distance (with out remote).·I figured I could possibly do this by controlling the "on time" for the electric engine, shutting it off after so many seconds.· Distance needs to be variable.· Set somehow with·a switch or some set of control.·
1. Can I use the BASIC stamp chip to do this?·
2. Do I need the whole thing always connected to a computer?··· I almost bought a starter pack set at Radio Shack, but wasn't sure if the microcontroller always had to be connected to a computer.
3. Or can I program the chip using a computer...and then move the chip to a stand alone disconnected electric car where it can then do its job?
Again, sorry for the foolish questions.
I am trying to control an electric car's travel distance (with out remote).·I figured I could possibly do this by controlling the "on time" for the electric engine, shutting it off after so many seconds.· Distance needs to be variable.· Set somehow with·a switch or some set of control.·
1. Can I use the BASIC stamp chip to do this?·
2. Do I need the whole thing always connected to a computer?··· I almost bought a starter pack set at Radio Shack, but wasn't sure if the microcontroller always had to be connected to a computer.
3. Or can I program the chip using a computer...and then move the chip to a stand alone disconnected electric car where it can then do its job?
Again, sorry for the foolish questions.
Jeff T.
Thanks. that was incredibly fast and helpful.··
So the BOE-BOT kit from Parallax has a way to train itself for a set of fixed distances?·
Jeff T
Last question for a while.· If I were to get the boe-bot there a straightforward way (switch, input control) for me to have several programs all loaded on to the chip.· for example to demonstrate various navigation routes:·· go·forward 5 feet turn left, or go forward 7 feet turn right, etc.
How can I trigger on my command/manual selection various subroutines that match my various navigation routes I want to demonstrate. (GOSUB Forward_5_Left, GOSUB Forward_7_Right), and so forth.
Or is·it the·case that I·have 1·complete routine..and·I would have to build pauses in?
I'd like to be able to spin through some choices on some display, for example..and then press Go.
You could have the Boe-Bot on a tether, and pass the commands (of your design) to the Bot that way. Communication is simple, cheap, and no interference is possible.
If you prefer to do it via a wireless method, you have RF (radio frequency) or I/R (infrared) control. Of the two I/R is less expensive, but may be more prone to interference. Both methods·can communicate bi-directionally, if required.
If you keep it simple, there is no reason why a program with multiple, diffferent subroutines for movement couldn't be written with the 2K BS-2 onboard. If you want longer or fancier programs, you may want to opt for one of the more advanced PBASIC Stamps with banked memory (2K x 8) which would give you plenty of programming space.
Alternative to all this, is just one program which accepts whatever commands you send to it. Then the route and roaming patterns are not pre-determined, but it would do what you commanded it to do, not unlike a TV remote, but with more adaptability.
By way of example, you might develop a communications language which operates as follows:
D,F···· (direction forward)
M,10·· (move 10 increments)
X····· ·(execute commands)
T,90,R (turn 90 degrees to the right)
D,R···· (direction reverse)
M,20·· (move 20 increments)
X······· (execute commands)
A,H,2· ·(annunciate using horn twice)
X······· (execute command)
A,L,20 ·(annunciate using LED, flashed 20 times)
X········ (execute command)
The possibilities are really endless and based solely on you own imagination, and programming ability. The latter will improve over time!
Bruce Bates
There is no pleasure in having nothing to do;
the fun is in having lots to do, and not doing it!
Post Edited (Bruce Bates) : 2/1/2008 5:54:17 AM GMT