Which chip and what would i need?
Hi ppls,
I am currently just doing some research into all the different chips to find which one would suit the application, heres what i am wanting to do:
one box/chip accepting 4 inputs (buttons/relays)
another box wirelessley linked to the first that when a button is pressed on the first box, activates a relay/light on this box (must be able to run more than one box in the same vicinity so multiple channels)
if possible i also wanted to be able to feed some information back to the first box from the second box to let it know if the relay has been activated, via a LED on the first box, also the battery voltage status of the second box to be displayed on the first box.
If someone could assist in helping me work out what would be needed to do this that would be wonderful. thanks.
I was thinking a basic stamp 2, mixed with either the 912 MHz RF Transceiver or EmbeddedBlue Transceiver AppMod?
Post Edited (oRiCLe) : 2/1/2008 2:35:37 AM GMT
I am currently just doing some research into all the different chips to find which one would suit the application, heres what i am wanting to do:
one box/chip accepting 4 inputs (buttons/relays)
another box wirelessley linked to the first that when a button is pressed on the first box, activates a relay/light on this box (must be able to run more than one box in the same vicinity so multiple channels)
if possible i also wanted to be able to feed some information back to the first box from the second box to let it know if the relay has been activated, via a LED on the first box, also the battery voltage status of the second box to be displayed on the first box.
If someone could assist in helping me work out what would be needed to do this that would be wonderful. thanks.
I was thinking a basic stamp 2, mixed with either the 912 MHz RF Transceiver or EmbeddedBlue Transceiver AppMod?
Post Edited (oRiCLe) : 2/1/2008 2:35:37 AM GMT
You could do this with a couple of BASIC Stamps and even the 433 MHz transceiver kits. The main thing to remember is that the main box would be the host and all other boxes would be slave modules. When the master wants to send a command to a specific box it sends that boxes ID. That box makes the change and replies back. This ensures only one box is talking at any one time eliminating the need for multiple channels. I have used this system with our radios a few times and coupled with CRC it works quite well. Only the Host unit can initiate a transmission and only the box it talks to will reply.
You could use Bluetooth in a similar manner, but the Host unit would have to break its connection with one box and establish a connection with the other box each time you changed, which would take time. I hope this helps. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
There are several issues with the first schematic alone. First and foremost you’re trying to run too much from the BASIC Stamp on-board regulator. You show 9V into VIN and then all 5V devices are powered from the VDD but this would likely overload the on-board regulator. Also, your LEDs are backward. The cathode should be toward the transistor collector. Your channel selector inputs do not have any pull-down resistors, so they will be floating and likely give intermittent readings when the switches are open.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support