How many pins
how many pins will a parallel LCD use on a Basic Stamp?
When the blue smoke comes out of a Basic Stamp... You know that you did something wrong... -- Matthew
When the blue smoke comes out of a Basic Stamp... You know that you did something wrong... -- Matthew
I believe it's 7 pins for parallel communication in 4 bit mode, otherwise 14 pins.
Post Edited (Jed) : 1/31/2008 3:21:40 PM GMT
A parallel LCD will require a minimum of 6 I/O lines to use or 7 are required if you want to be able to read any data back. This is in 4-bit mode. For 8-bit mode it would be 11 I/O lines…If you’re using 8-bit mode you’d want to have full R/W access so…As a note, with faster microcontrollers, such as the SX or Propeller, you’ll want to read the BUSY Flag before writes to ensure you’re not overrunning the on-board controller. This applies to 4-bit or 8-bit mode. I hope this helps. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support