Industrial Control: ADC Chip and Heater
I am using the parts from the industrial control kit. I have a heater hooked up and the output of the LM34 temp sensor goes to the ADC chip. I have several other logics gates on the board used to implement a state machine. The problem I am having is that the output of the ADC goes crazy when the heater turns on. If the heater turns off again, then the output goes back to normal.
When I probe the input to the ADC (output of temp sensor) I get the right reading. I have tried a few ADC chips and the same thing happens. I am using the exact circuits in the industrial control book (page 103ish)
Also, I am wondering what the capacitor between pin 2 and ground is on the ADC circuit diagram.
When I probe the input to the ADC (output of temp sensor) I get the right reading. I have tried a few ADC chips and the same thing happens. I am using the exact circuits in the industrial control book (page 103ish)
Also, I am wondering what the capacitor between pin 2 and ground is on the ADC circuit diagram.
- Stephen
As Franklin mentions, a seperate supply would help, and even without the opto-isolator. Simply power the resistor to the collector from another power supply's +V, but share a ground between the two. This will help with the loading of the BASIC Stamp's power supply.
Even better, pick up a solid-state relay discussed in the book and use an aquarium and a 120V light bulb as your heater [noparse]:)[/noparse] Just don't try the PID control with this... It won't handle the PWM.
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