Using PLX-DAQ program
I'm trying to build a real time sensor using a microcontroller and the PLX-DAQ Excel spreadsheet program. I want the values from my microcontroller to be recorded and shown in Excel shee with time stamps. What directives are required for this function? Does anybody know how much data PLX-DAQ program is capable of handling? I need like 3million numbers a day... Any comments and thoughts will be greatly appreciated!
As far as getting data into the spreadsheet, you simply have code such as:
DEBUG "DATA,TIME,", Dec val1, ",", dec val2,CR
This will time stamp your data and put in in row by row.
For 3 million, I'm not sure... even using StampPlot or other software to put in into a text file, you'd not be able to import anything that large into Excel.
SelmaWare Solutions - StampPlot GUI for controllers, XBee and Propeller Application Boards
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Electronic Systems Technologies
American Technical Educator's Assoc. Conference·- April, Biloxi, MS. -- PROPELLER WORKSHOP!
this might sound really dumb, but what are Val1 and Val2? when i put that in, some error message comes up..
While not accessible from the Desktop, PLX-DAQ installs help files. Use your Start menu --> Parallax --> PLX-DAQ. And from Parallax's website you can download sample code for their various processors.