exponential regression?
I am controlling some DC motors using pulse width and BASIC Stamp 2's. I somehow need to model an exponentially increasing slope in an equation, but BS2's do not support exponents as far as I can tell. Does anyone have any suggestions as to possible work arounds? Sorry if this is too vague. What other information would you need to help me out?
This multiplies x by approximately 1.1 (282 / 256 = 1.1015625) at each step, resulting in an exponential progression. Here's what the output looks like:
Application No. 7 of this Parallax application note may help.
It demonstrates how to straighten a non-linear curve.
If you plot your values in Micro Soft Xcel, XY scatter, there is an option to plot·the best fit equation·using plot wizard. I am unaware if "GAUSFIT" is still supported by Parallax. MSXcel will do the same thing. Remember to keep your math at 16 bits or less.