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Using the Allegro Part # ACS755 Current Sensor..With a ADC 0831 Chip Can any on — Parallax Forums

Using the Allegro Part # ACS755 Current Sensor..With a ADC 0831 Chip Can any on

sam_sam_samsam_sam_sam Posts: 2,286
edited 2008-01-27 06:39 in BASIC Stamp
Hi Every One

I had some time to play with the· Allegro Part # ACS755 Current Sensor and the ADC 0831 Chip

The ACS755 Current Sensor·has .600 reading @ 0 Amps with·a 30·ADC reading and a .600 volts on the·ADC 0831 Chip

What I would like to know is how to have the ADC to read 0 and the volts to read 0 with the offset reading of .600
volts from the Current Sensor

Now i did some testing of the·Current Sensor and there is a ADC reading of about 3 and a .061 volt reading

What I want to know is how to take every 3 ADC reading for every Amp from the·Current Sensor·and maybe show the
volts also

Now·I know that i could use a look up table but i do not want·to do it this way

I would like to do it with the Basic Stamp Math but up to now i have not used it i have look at it in the help file
but i do not understand it well enought to do·it here

Has any one used the ACS755 Current Sensor and the ADC 0831 Chip and have working code

I want to Thank any one that can help with this


··Thanks for any·idea.gif·that you may have and all of your time finding them


Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 1/27/2008 7:08:48 AM GMT
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