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first time, please help... heated dish project! — Parallax Forums

first time, please help... heated dish project!

ArielAriel Posts: 27
edited 2008-01-27 14:49 in BASIC Stamp
Hello, I've been reading lots of posts in here and some of them are very interesting. but since I'm new in all these and my native language isn't English some things got pretty hard to understand and i couldn't process some of the data into info for my "bs2brainXXqrX" system lol.gif

I've got some questions here and let see if somebody sympathizes for me...

First... i would like to do my own pcb i want to control it, what are the things i need to take care of?. For example, i need a resonator (which is a clock?), an interpreter (in my case a bs2) and an eeprom memory. I read somewhere that i need a 5V regulator too... Is there something else?... how should i connect them?

Second... since I'm living in Paraguay (South America) isolated from the robotic world... i can not ask for you to give me an advice of a book, but somebody has any idea where i can get a good .pdf where i can learn electronics from the basics? specially focusing on ICs because i can't understand how do they work! confused.gif

Third... I'm having a personal problem.... i love to eat my food slowly. Have you heard about the idea of talking while you eat? well, there is a BIIIIG problem with it. It's just that... your food doesn't stay warm, and i don't see as a good solution having a 4 pound rock in front of me to keep my food warm, plus it isn't a cool idea... i see it better to have a dish that can get as warm as i need depending of the food i'm eating.
I made some simple diagrams for a simple solution that came up to my mind. It is made by two parts. One is the dish itself and the other is a docking station to manage all the dishes...
The docking station will have an infrared led to send the temperature i want to the dishes (i tell the station what temperature i need just pressing some buttons).
The dishes will compare that temperature with the actual temperature of the dish and will turn on a (200W) resistor to heat the dish and control it with a thermostat (until now: ds1620). They will turn on a led just to tell the user that the resistor is on.
I'm sure I won't get enough power to heat that resistor from a 5V power source, plus I'm going to use a loooooot of batteries to accomplish that. How can i connect the dishes to an AC power supply? (i suppose I'll need a relay for this)
Can i use a 555 chip on the dishes? since the comparing idea is very simple and repetitive... how should i connect the 555?
Are my diagrams ok? (i'm sure they aren't ) shakehead.gif

Is this the way that everybody starts?... or is just me?... sad.gif
i have no idea of anythiiiiiing.... cry.gif

thanks for your time reading my post smilewinkgrin.gif
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  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-01-26 21:32
    Make sure you check the Downloads page on the Parallax website. There are several tutorials on the Stamps in Class Tutorials page that have been translated into Spanish:
    1) What's a Microcontroller?
    2) Basic Analog and Digital
    3) Industrial Control
    4) Basic Stamp 2 Manual
    5) StampWorks Manual
    They have examples of the sort of thing you want to do.
    Start with them, then come back if you have anything
    you don't understand.
  • ArielAriel Posts: 27
    edited 2008-01-27 14:49
    OK, thank you. I'll read them. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
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