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copying HUB memory to COG memory — Parallax Forums

copying HUB memory to COG memory

pgbpsupgbpsu Posts: 460
edited 2008-01-24 09:34 in Propeller 1
I have an application that runs several assembly tasks in different cogs. One cog gets data via the input pins, puts together a 32-bit sample (long) and writes it to an array (50 longs = 200 bytes) in HUB memory. I've verified that this works correctly.

What I now need to do is use a separate cog to grab all 50 longs and bring them into COG memory for further manipulation. After reading around A LOT on this it seems I need to use self-modifying code. I've put together the following snippet based on Mike Green's example in this thread:

Although I'm sure Mike's post works, I still didn't follow completely. This seems to be a VERY important topic. One which I'll need to understand for complex and time critical Prop applications. Many folks seem to get this already and I am hoping some of them would comment on the following code.


What I want to do in words:
Copy 50 longs (200 bytes) of HUB memory into COG memory and store it under the symbol cog_mem
1. set loop counter to 50
2. store starting address of hub memory to local variable (hub_index)
3. store starting address of cog memory to local variable (cog_index)
4. set destination field of future rdlong command to cog memory address where I'd like the data stored (cog_index)
5. use rdlong to get the 32 bits pointed at by hub_index and store it in cog memory at cog_index
6. increment the address of the hub data (hub_index) for next read
7. increment the address of the cog data (cog_index) for next read
8. repeat until all 50 longs have been copied

  long Shared[noparse][[/noparse]50]  ' 200 bytes that are shared amoung the cogs
PUB Main

  cognew(@entry,@Shared)      'Launch new cog to read HUB memory into COG memory

  Read data from HUB memory, store in COG memory
entry      ORG       0      
              mov       addr, PAR                    ' address of first byte in HUB RAM

              mov       samples_left, #50        ' set number of samples to copy
              mov       hub_index, addr           ' set hub_index = address of HUM RAM

copy2cog       mov        cog_index, #cog_mem            ' set cog_index = address of cog_mem
                     movd      rdlong_dest, cog_index            ' set destination of rdlong command to cog_index       
rdlong_dest    rdlong     0-0, hub_index                        ' rdlong HUB_MEMORY[noparse][[/noparse]hub_index];
                                                                                ' store in COG_MEM[noparse][[/noparse]cog_index]
                     add         hub_index, #4                        ' set hub_index to next long in HUB memory
                     add         cog_index, #1                        ' set cog_index to next long in cog memory
                     djnz        samples_left, #copy2cog         ' decrement samples_left, jump back to copy2cog

samples_left  res       1        ' number of samples left to copy to cog
hub_index     res       1        ' pointer to location in hub memory
cog_index     res       1        ' pointer to location in cog memory
cog_mem      res       50      ' storage for data copied over from HUB
              FIT 496


  • deSilvadeSilva Posts: 2,967
    edited 2008-01-23 22:26
    Why not read my "Machine Language Tutorial"? It will answer many of your questions, if not all!

    Post Edited (deSilva) : 1/23/2008 10:31:47 PM GMT
  • mirrormirror Posts: 322
    edited 2008-01-23 22:52
    entry      ORG       0      
               mov       addr, PAR                    ' address of first byte in HUB RAM
               mov       samples_left, #50            ' set number of samples to copy
               mov       hub_index, addr              ' set hub_index = address of HUM RAM
               mov        cog_index, #cog_mem         ' set cog_index = address of cog_mem
    copy2cog   movd      rdlong_dest, cog_index       ' set destination of rdlong command to cog_index
    rdlong_dest rdlong     0-0, hub_index             ' rdlong HUB_MEMORY[noparse][[/noparse]hub_index];
                                                      ' store in COG_MEM[noparse][[/noparse]cog_index]
               add         hub_index, #4              ' set hub_index to next long in HUB memory
               add         cog_index, #1              ' set cog_index to next long in cog memory
               djnz        samples_left, #copy2cog    ' decrement samples_left, jump back to copy2cog
    samples_left  res       1        ' number of samples left to copy to cog
    hub_index     res       1        ' pointer to location in hub memory
    cog_index     res       1        ' pointer to location in cog memory
    cog_mem      res       50      ' storage for data copied over from HUB
                  FIT 496

    I thought deSilva would say more yeah.gif

    Note the two changes:
    1. An delay is required between modifying an instruction and then using it
    2. Your djnz jump location will result in all the longs being written to the first location of·cog_mem
  • pgbpsupgbpsu Posts: 460
    edited 2008-01-24 03:58
    you must be referring to ex07C smile.gif
    In fact, that's where I began, and realized that there was a way to solve my problem. However, I didn't follow it fully so I started searching the forums for "self-modifying code" and reading the prop manual re: MOVS, MOVD, MOVI. I still wasn't comfortable enough with this concept to take what you did (which is close to what I want) and turn it into working code for something slightly different. But I'm starting to get my head around this slowly with the help of the many great people, like you, here on this forum.

    Thanks for pointing out my mistakes. I certainly don't want to copy every element from HUB ram into a single location in COG ram. How do you know that the nop is necessary? I believe you, but don't recall seeing that in the manual.

    Rereading deSilva's text he quite clearly states: "And note: There is a strict rule: NEVER modify the next instruction to be executed! " I mis-interpreted this to mean never modify future instructions rather than never modify an instruction then execute it immediately. You can see just how confused I was.

    I think I'm on the right track now.

    Thanks again.
  • deSilvadeSilva Posts: 2,967
    edited 2008-01-24 09:34
    Yes, you are smile.gif I just see I changed that phrase in the not jet posted update to "... not change the VERY next instruction..."
    You will find more background explanation for this in the "sidetrack" about pipelining..
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