On a BS2, Is it possible to PULSEOUT from one pin to another, then use COUNT to
I have been able to produce pulses on pin 0, using this basic program:
DO WHILE (reps <= 3)
PULSOUT 0, 250
reps = reps + 1
I can observe the pulses on my PC oscilloscope, but I would like to count pulses over a period of time by using the··(COUNT Pin, Duration, Variable)·command, for instance as -·· (COUNT 5, "duration", plscount).
Can I feed the pulses from pin 0 to ·pin 5?·
DO WHILE (reps <= 3)
PULSOUT 0, 250
reps = reps + 1
I can observe the pulses on my PC oscilloscope, but I would like to count pulses over a period of time by using the··(COUNT Pin, Duration, Variable)·command, for instance as -·· (COUNT 5, "duration", plscount).
Can I feed the pulses from pin 0 to ·pin 5?·
A Stamp would need some kind of external circuitry or a co-processor to do this sort of thing. It's possible to do this with the SX or Propeller. The SX uses interrupts to do functions like this. The Propeller has 8 independent processors plus some specialized counters in each processor that can count pulses or generate pulses independently.