Continuous Motor coding...
I'm looking at the manual for the continuous motor and it shows a pulse duration of 750 for center, 600 one direction and 900 the other? This is different than the 500,750,1000 duration I've been using with the unmodified servo. Why are the limits lower? I was expecting the numbers to change the speed of the rotation, with 500 being the fastest in one direction and 1000 the fastest in the other, 750 being no movement at all. Can someone please clarify how the pulse codes effect the modified servos?
print "connecter"
input "Which com"; com$ ' displays text and lets user chose which com
open com; com$ for read ' opens com
close #com ' closes com
print "Com closed" ' displays text
end ' ends or stops the program
' JBASIC code
Read the WAM text their is a section on how to control the velocity of a standard servo this should be what you are looking for. Look at activity #3 converting position to motion on page # 125 in this text.