Can't get the Speech Board to use sentences.
I've got a problem with my Quadravox QV356M4 Speech Board. It works fine for mixed sound and single words but when I try to store words to build a sentence the card stops working and I've got to switch off the Board of Education (USB). It won't even play mixed sound. Any ideas on what I should try?
- Stephen
I discovered the problem using the first demonstration program in the documentation:
I also wrote a program my self to find the line that causes the malfunction. If the SEROUT QV_SIO, N2400, [noparse][[/noparse]qvData] is used the Speech Board stops and no more sound is produced.
I would modify your wait code to something like this:
INPUT QV_SIO ' make comm an input
IF QV_Busy THEN LOOP ' wait until busy goes low
DEBUG "Not busy", CR
as I'm not sure how the return would work with repeated calls to Wait_Until_Not_Busy
- Stephen
SEROUT QV_SIO, N2400, [noparse][[/noparse]qvData]
SEROUT QV_SIO, N2400, [noparse][[/noparse]$2A]
but neither helps. What is the difference between $2A and QV_CloseStr (or $FA) that tells the Speech Board to stop the string?
Edit: Does your version of Wait_Until_Not_Busy compile? I'm having trouble with DO LOOP in PBASIC 2.0 and IF.. THEN LOOP in PBASIC 2.5.
Post Edited (Ladnarud) : 1/22/2008 12:40:05 AM GMT
The Diphone chip set synthesizes speech from strings of phonemes; the essential constituent sounds in
human speech. The controller can store and play up to 40 phonemes without breaks or delays in
between. Before this occurs, the phoneme codes must be downloaded to the Speech Board string buffer.
The process for storing and playing a string of phoneme codes is as follows:
1. Send Open String command ($F9)
2. Send phoneme codes (up to 40) in desired order of play; string must end with $2A (silence)
3. Send Close String command ($FA)
4. Send Play String command ($FB)
From the manual page 4
This might work better (2.5)
- Stephen
Sorry about this.