How to make Labview 8 control the robot's motion?Is it com port problem?
·We've tried various ways to move the robot using labview 8 but failed.Stamp to stamp though,the robot could move.In other words no problem with stamp to stamp as they could talk to each other to control the robot's motion.As we typed GOTO "FW", "BW","RT" and "LT" the motor could move in all these directions.It could even stop when we typed GOTO "HALT".The problem is when labview 8 is run the robot somehow or rather rejects the data that is sent n did not move.We suspected maybe our PC desktop com port is faulty or has different configuration wif our teacher's laptop.
Anyway pls view the basic stamp2 codes·at the attachments·below n tell me ur suggestion or ideas cos i hv 6 wks left to dateline.
Reply me asap!
Anyway pls view the basic stamp2 codes·at the attachments·below n tell me ur suggestion or ideas cos i hv 6 wks left to dateline.
Reply me asap!

communication, since that connection worked?
Did you connect the two Stamp together via their serial port pins?
Was one Stamp getting the robot commands from the PC via
a Debug window and passing them to the other? If so, how?
If you used a serial cable for the Stamp-to-Stamp part of the testing,
did you use the same cable for the LabView test? This would
allow you to eliminate the cable as a source of trouble.