Pseudo-Intelligent Autonavigation with BoeBot
First project:
Standard Boe Bot, HM55B compass, PING))), eb500 BlueTooth, ir bumpers, ServoPAL. Unit navigates w/standard ir bumpers as primary avoidance mechanism. Ir bumpers are queued 8 slots deep to determine ambiguous obstacle state whereby a 180 degree ping sweep is performed. Data is fed via eb500 to StampPlot for view. Maximum ping distance is translated into a relative bearing and direction and then into an actual heading value to which the boebot is directed to turn. Current problems: 45 degrees to smooth surface is sensed as max distance (seen in video). Possible enhancements include the addition of directional biasing code to direct overall roaming performance.
Video at:
Standard Boe Bot, HM55B compass, PING))), eb500 BlueTooth, ir bumpers, ServoPAL. Unit navigates w/standard ir bumpers as primary avoidance mechanism. Ir bumpers are queued 8 slots deep to determine ambiguous obstacle state whereby a 180 degree ping sweep is performed. Data is fed via eb500 to StampPlot for view. Maximum ping distance is translated into a relative bearing and direction and then into an actual heading value to which the boebot is directed to turn. Current problems: 45 degrees to smooth surface is sensed as max distance (seen in video). Possible enhancements include the addition of directional biasing code to direct overall roaming performance.
Video at:


At 45 degrees, a 0 degree reading should also be max (and 135 degrees and 180 should be max also on smooth surfaces) could you - if 45 and 0 equal max or 135 and 180 equal max. rotate the bot 22.5 and read again?
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
Michael Shimniok
Bot Thoughts robotics chronicles
"A complex design is the sign of an inferior designer." - Jamie Hyneman, Myth Buster