IR TV Be gone I need HELP with source codes!!
Im making a tv remote code recoreder, that records your tvs Infrared signals, and then transmitts them back to the tv to do what ever, exaple you record your tvs mute ir transmition, then it plays it back so the tv will mute every so offen. Im new to the Basic STAMP 2 and need help with some source codes. Can any of you help me??????

The BS2 is not fast enough to capture an IR code that is unknown. And it is also not fast enough to transmit the signal without a little help.
You can use it to read a remote code if you understand the remotes protocol(s).
Read the following published by Parallax. IR Remote for the BOE-BOT:
You may also want to check out customer application IR remote repeater:
I understand the link to the code is not working. I will post the improved code here when I find it.
I have used this IR modulator with great success. A 555 timer as a modulator·will not be stable enough to work as well as the original remote.
I have a host of IR protocol links available. When I find them I will post.
Stephen Wagner
If what you're seeking to do is have an infrared repeater, to extend the range of an I/R remote, I'm told that Radio Shack has them at a very reasonable price, and they apparently work quite well.
Bruce Bates
Veni, Vidi, Velcro! - I came, I saw, I stuck around!
The "real" TV-B-Gone®, by Mitch Altman, is an "open" project and all the source code is available here:
Just scroll down to the section entitled: Project: Make your own open source TV-B-Gone
If you want to something like this using a Parallax device, you might want to have a look here.