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can some help me build something that will do this — Parallax Forums

can some help me build something that will do this

dillingdilling Posts: 3
edited 2008-01-21 20:31 in BASIC Stamp
I need something that when you push a button Momentary you get a Momentary ground on 1 st one line ·then on the second push of the button send a Momentary ground to a second line the on third push it would Momentary ground the other 1 st line then it would start all over

I will pay to have built


  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2008-01-19 21:16
    A BASIC Stamp can easily be programmed to do what you want.

  • ColtColt Posts: 24
    edited 2008-01-19 23:32
    Just order a Homework board. Radioshack sells it if you want to get it locally, it's listed " How Microprocessors Work ". Of course the Parallax website has them as well.. That would be simple to do yourself, cheaper too... Probably wouldnt take 10 mins to rig up... If you go that route, you'll need another switch, since the kit comes with 2...
  • dillingdilling Posts: 3
    edited 2008-01-20 01:22
    I want to do it with one button will that be easy
  • ColtColt Posts: 24
    edited 2008-01-21 07:12
    Shouldnt be to bad, if you want one button to control a ground on one load, a 2nd push go to a 2nd load, then a 3rd push to a 3rd load, it could be done. You could do it by time too, a 1 sec push of the button send a ground to one load, a 2 sec push of the button for another load, etc. You'd be able to "jump" between loads depending on how long the button is held down.. I've never tried it but it sounds straight forward to me.. You'd just have to experiment with it.. I'm a newbie myself, and that sounds easy to me.. Just order a kit, go through the exercises to get familar with things.. I did all the stuff in the Homework board kit that I posted a link to, in a weekend, I had messed with things similar in the past, but not knowing what I was doing, just going off what other people told me to do. After the weekend I had a good understanding of things and was able to come up with my own stuff.. It's a ton of fun too..
  • metron9metron9 Posts: 1,100
    edited 2008-01-21 20:31
    Could you specify the voltage and current requirements of the 'LINE TO GROUND" is it a logic signal pulled to ground (very low current) or something else?

    Think Inside the box first and if that doesn't work..
    Re-arrange what's inside the box then...
    Think outside the BOX!
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