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Help with Ramping Code for Boe-Bot — Parallax Forums

Help with Ramping Code for Boe-Bot

Felix79Felix79 Posts: 3
edited 2008-01-22 17:05 in Robotics
Hi, I'm new to the Parallaxe message boards and I've recently just gotten my Boe-Bot robot kit last month.· I've done most of the activities in the activity book that came with the kit.· Chapter 4 has a really short section on ramping up / down for the servos on the Boe-Bot...· I was wondering if there was a way to incorporate that code into the other example programs in the book.· One being the one for Roaming with Whiskers or Roaming with irDetection.· Here is the code that I'm tryin to modify..

' Robotics with the Boe-Bot - RoamingWithIrDetectionAndRamping.bs2
' Boe-Bot uses·irDetection to detect objects, and navigates around them.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
DEBUG "Program running"
irDetectLeft·· VAR····· Bit
irDetectRight· VAR····· Bit
pulseCount···· VAR····· Byte

FREQOUT 4, 2000, 3000
· FREQOUT 8, 1, 38500
· irDetectLeft = IN9
· FREQOUT 2, 1, 38500
· irDetectRight = IN0
· IF (irDetectLeft = 0) AND (irDetectRight = 0) THEN
··· HIGH 10
··· HIGH 1
··· GOSUB Ramp_down
··· GOSUB Back_Up
··· GOSUB Turn_Left
··· GOSUB Turn_Left
· ELSEIF (irDetectLeft = 0) THEN
··· HIGH 10
··· GOSUB Ramp_Down
··· GOSUB Back_Up
··· GOSUB Turn_Right
· ELSEIF (irDetectRight = 0) THEN
··· HIGH 1
··· GOSUB Ramp_down
··· GOSUB Back_Up
··· GOSUB Turn_Left
··· LOW 10
··· LOW 1
··· GOSUB Ramp_Up
··· GOSUB Forward_Pulse
· FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 60
··· PULSOUT 13, 750 + pulseCount
··· PULSOUT 12, 750 - pulseCount
··· PAUSE 20
· next
· PULSOUT 13, 850
· PULSOUT 12, 650
· PAUSE 20
· FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 45
··· PULSOUT 13, 750 - pulseCount
··· PULSOUT 12, 750 - pulseCount
··· PAUSE 20
· FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 45
··· PULSOUT 13, 750 + pulseCount
··· PULSOUT 12, 750 + pulseCount
··· PAUSE 20
····FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 60
····· PULSOUT 13, 750 - pulseCount
····· PULSOUT 12, 750 + pulseCount
····· PAUSE 20
··· NEXT
· FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 40
··· PULSOUT 13, 650
··· PULSOUT 12, 850
··· PAUSE 20

When I try to run this program - My Boe-Bot seems to get stuck on this bit of code ( Ramp_Up ), and it repeats that over and over.· Is there a way to program the servos to gradually accelerate without having to go in a set/determined programmed length of area?· I want my Boe-Bot to move more fluidly around instead of having the jerks whenever it changes into a new direction.·



  • ZootZoot Posts: 2,227
    edited 2008-01-21 21:39
    Rather than a subroutine per se, you might think about just adding/subtracting a set value from the motor speed(s) each time through the loop. For example, on one of my Boe-bots, when the bot has to avoid using IR, rather than just setting turn speeds, I do something akin to this:

    IF irLeft = Detected THEN
       motorLeft = motorLeft + 5 MAX 255 ' in my case I map motor speeds of 0-128-255 to 650-750-850 pulsewidths;
       motoRight = motorRight MIN 5 - 5    ' it's  a convenience that saves var space, but is technically unneccesary
    ELSEIF irRight = Detected THEN
       motorLeft = motorLeft MIN 5 - 5
       motorRight = motorRight + 5 MAX 255
    ELSE ' straighten out but do it more quicky
       motorLeft = motorLeft + 10 MAX 255
       motorRight = motorRight + 10 MAX 255

    The only trap here is if you are doing any kind of subsumption based program (like many of the examples for the Boe floating around the forum). Many of those routines effectively "destroy" the previously sent motor speed, so you need to either preserve the last "sent" speed, or you need to code your subsumption state machines so they do not destroy the previous motor speed if they are not actually subsuming.

    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
  • Felix79Felix79 Posts: 3
    edited 2008-01-22 04:33
    Cool.. Thanks for the Reply there Zoot - but I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to tell me here.· Hmm, though I will try and see if I can put in values beside the PULSOUT 750 code bit... Maybe something like your post - PULSOUT 13, 750 + 5 MAX 100 for my Boe-Bot.· I'll re-post here again if I can figure something out.
  • Felix79Felix79 Posts: 3
    edited 2008-01-22 05:35
    Nope, that didnt work.. Hmm - starting to wonder if it is not possible for there to be any gradual acceleration of servo motors without giving them a set number of pulses to do ( FOR pulseCount = 1 TO 100 )...

    One other question.. Why is there not a Sticky Boe-Bot thread? Like for the ones Penguin robot and Squibbler Robot?
  • ZootZoot Posts: 2,227
    edited 2008-01-22 17:05
    It is absolutely possible. Sorry -- the code fragment I provided is probably not enough info for you.

    The basic idea is that you have a subroutine, or a single place in your code, where the motor speeds are actually "dumped" and output to the servos. That way you can have your main loop keep tweaking and changing the motor speeds, and when the loop is done, THEN the final "set" speeds are actually sent. This might show it better. I'm using Words for servo speeds for simplicity, but words are a real waste of var space for these speeds (if your servo speed range is 650-850 that's a range of only 200, far less than a byte):

    servoLeft PIN 12  ' change if necessary
    servoRight PIN 13 ' change if necessary
    motorLeft VAR Word ' left servo speed
    motorRight VAR Word ' right servo speed
    IF irLeft = Detected THEN
       motorLeft = motorLeft + 5 MAX 850 ' turn right gradually
       motorRight = motorRight - 5 MIN 650
    ELSEIF irRight = Detected THEN
       motorLeft = motorLeft - 5 MIN 650 ' turn left gradually
       motorRight = motorRight + 5 MAX 850
    ELSE ' straighten out but do it more quicky
       motorLeft = motorLeft + 10 MAX 850
       motorRight = motorRight + 10 MAX 850
      PULSOUT ServoLeft, 1500 - motorLeft ' note that the motorspeed vars are "normal" -- 850 is forward for both;
                                                            ' only during output is the "backwards" motor value switched around
      PULSOUT ServoRight, motorRight
      PAUSE 5 ' this pause may need to be adjusted up or down (or eliminated) depending on how long it takes to run through the whole loop
                    '  -- the goal is for all the code + the pause to add up to about 20ms
      GOTO Main

    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
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