Multiple BS2 programming

Is it possible to programme several Stamps simultaneously from one USB connection ie·connecting all·the programming pins on each stamp, will that cause a conflict with·communications?·and if·possible what limits are there to amount of stamps? May have a requirement to program a block of as many as 50 stamps.
You might get away with connecting 10 to 20 Stamps this way. More would need some buffer logic. Better would be to make your own programming device since the protocol is available and there would be no error checking in this scheme. The Stache (from Emesystems) is a single Stamp version of what you'd need. It's a small microcontroller with its own memory, behaves like a Stamp when attached to a serial port so the Stamp Editor can "program" it. When connected to a Stamp, it acts like the Stamp Editor and will program the Stamp. It's designed for updating devices in the field. The idea could easily be extended to work with any number of Stamps where it would program any of a number of attached Stamps, one at a time. It would only take a few seconds to program each one