serString byte selection from array
I am attempting to read a 9 byte response from a pressure sensor coming into a BS2pe at 9600 baud. The response is coming in at 10hz for 10 seconds for a total of 100 samples. I need to extract the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th byte. I have the following code:
I find that this only shows the 3rd byte and loses the other 3 desired bytes. By changing the SKIP and serString\n values in the SERIN line, I can grab the selected bytes. Can this be done in a command single line? Splitting it into 4 lines induces some serious delays and I miss most of the data I'm looking for.
How do I capture the desired bytes and put them into an array so that I may do math upon them?
' {$STAMP BS2pe} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} ' {$PORT COM1} serinPin CON 9 n9600 CON 16468 reps VAR Byte serString VAR Byte(10) serString(9) = 0 HIGH 3 'triggers the 16F88 to send initialization pulse to Druck 33X sensor PAUSE 10 LOW 3 'resets trigger 16F88 pin PAUSE 500 'waits for initialization response to pass main: DO SERIN serinPin, n9600,[noparse][[/noparse]SKIP 2,STR serString\7] DEBUG DEC serString," ",DEC reps," ",CR reps = reps + 1 LOOP UNTIL (reps >= 100)
I find that this only shows the 3rd byte and loses the other 3 desired bytes. By changing the SKIP and serString\n values in the SERIN line, I can grab the selected bytes. Can this be done in a command single line? Splitting it into 4 lines induces some serious delays and I miss most of the data I'm looking for.
How do I capture the desired bytes and put them into an array so that I may do math upon them?
you could take all the 100 results into excel but only use the data you need in a formula.
Your options are to iterate through serString(0) serString(1) serString(2) serString(3) or try
Jeff T.
The device is running solely on the stamp, not connected to the computer. Therefore, I'll need a local math solution. i have used the PLX-DAQ software, though, and find it very useful. thanks for the response.
That looks useful for me. I'll set up the hardware here at home tonight and give it a try.