Almost free keyboard for portable prop?
Micro DataPad Mini Keyboard for Palm PDA m100/m105 Series $0.39
If it wasn't for shipping, these are almost free keyboards for a portable prop project...
IIRC, the m100 is a serial interface.. I'll let you guys know how I make out with these..
UPS shipping is the same for 1-8 of these..
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Micro DataPad Mini Keyboard for Palm PDA m100/m105 Series $0.39
If it wasn't for shipping, these are almost free keyboards for a portable prop project...
IIRC, the m100 is a serial interface.. I'll let you guys know how I make out with these..
UPS shipping is the same for 1-8 of these..
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Here's a link to the Palm m100 where it shows the 10 pin connector, should be fairly easy to interface this to a Propeller. Just guessing but it looks like only 3 connections will be needed. Pin-2 +3.3, Pin-3 RxD (RS-232) and Pin-10 Ground. Not sure about the baud rate yet, but should not be too difficult to figure out.
Post Edited (Mike Cook) : 1/18/2008 1:09:28 PM GMT
we need to get micro innovations to make a more conventional micro keyboard for the prop, and a panel mount one! [noparse]:)[/noparse]
NOTE: The two extra bytes are transmitted AFTER the key has been released. (i.e. 85 85 or 9E 9E)
Starting at the Left side of the key pad to right looking at the key pad, connector on top:
Pin 2 - +3.3 (used two D-Cell batteries, they were handy!)
Pin 3 - Data out, connected this to PIN 2 on my PC's DB-9
Pin 10 - Ground, connected this to PIN 5 on my PC's DB-9, also connected the ground from the D-Cell Battery pack.
Post Edited (Mike Cook) : 1/18/2008 1:28:04 PM GMT
If anyone wants one, they only have 213 left as of 8:30am EST
P.S. Mike, I wouldn't mind knowing what the current draw is on it... Also how big is it ? Would it fit in your pocket ?
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Post Edited (Bean (Hitt Consulting)) : 1/18/2008 1:36:30 PM GMT
I just disconnected my setup!
I will connect it back up this evening and measure it's current draw. Attached is a photo of it's size. Key pad height is about .75" tall at the back (near the data connector) and slopes down to about 3/8" to the front (SPACE keys).
So yeah it could fit in your pocket. These are shipped in a retail blister pack, that you have to cut open. Includes a driver disk (1.44) to load a Palm driver. Packed 6 retail packs per case. Thought about purchasing all of them yesterday (350) but shipping was almost twice the purchase price! ($136.50 for the keypads, and almost $200 for shipping!)
So now your committed to write an object!
I thought about buying them all too. But I wanted the other members to have a chance. So I ONLY got 100 [noparse];)[/noparse]
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Gee.. They should have sent mine for free.. [noparse]:)[/noparse] <smirk>
You guys took all of the fun out of exploring this one..
Sounds like an object will be written before mine arrive. [noparse]:)[/noparse] [noparse]:)[/noparse]
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Bummer is the $8 shipping from CA for a (.39 x 6 = ) $2.34 worth of item. So real cost is $1.72 ea keypad. Hope they are worth it.
Harley Shanko
2.4uA Key pad idle
400uA Key Press (average - some keys higher, some lower.·MIN 325uA,·MAX 450uA)
Used a Tektronix DMM157 MultiMeter for measurements.
I've got another project currently on the bench, so don't expect a driver out of me anytime soon! Purchased these for a future project. Saw this post and just wanted to post info that I have collected so far.
Post Edited (Mike Cook) : 1/19/2008 1:04:51 AM GMT
Thanks for the current info. It's actually alot lower than I thought it would be. But of course that is good news.
Now I glad I got 100 of them.
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However, I have an updated table, added a column for the "BLUE" keys and added the '$' to the HEX values so it might be easer to make a table to copy and paste into the Propeller Tool when creating an object for this.
I'm looking forward to working with this..
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Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
By any chance you check if the FN key, or some other, provide a code for the 'uppercase' key values?
Appears a lookup table will be needed to decode the alphanumerics into standard ASCII values. Then what to do with the others?
Ah, the joy of working with non-standard electronics.
Harley Shanko
Wireless IR presenter w/Laser Pointer.
Not a great laser, and wireless is like a tv set remote (you have to point at usb plug). But $15 (was $10) gets you an easy to disassemble (one screw*) clamshell with 5 momentary on switches and one joystick that controls the pc mouse or when you push down, turns on the red laser. Laser is easy to remove: on a pair of two inch wires.
Runs on 2 AAA's.
Vista recognizes the USB as a mouse controller without any software loading. USB plug fits neatly into the pointer; even has its own trapdoor.
* remove screw in battery compartment, then press side of lower clamshell in to release the six tabs, lifting top clamshell away. The plastic parts are superbly made. The whole item is 4.5" x 1" x 3/4".
Of course, I HAD to open it up. Pic shows an epoxied chip. Resonator at 4 MHz and pinouts could be for a PIC. Three wires from PDA connector are hand soldered to pcb. I didn't get a look at pcb top side; soft rubber keys seemed attached to pcb, so left it for now. If one unit is dead, then will investigate further.
Current draw was about 450 µa on key press; about 60 on release. On key press one character is outputted; on release two are then outputted. Scope is so useful. Yes, about 9600 baud.
The PDA connector could be easily removed and use the 3 through-hole pads to connect 3 wire 'cable' for the Vdd, Gnd and serial out.
Now the 'fun' begins. Have a ProtoBoard nearly set up along with a program to read the serial stream. Shouldn't be too much of a task to see the key codes on a 5" b/w monitor.
Harley Shanko
Post Edited (Harley) : 1/24/2008 7:23:22 AM GMT
I don't think we've got a prayer at getting a prop to fit in here.. pretty tight!
First thing to go will be the palm connector.
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Looks like PE3,VCC,GND -- Wonder what PE2 is?
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