i need help triggering bs2 w/ outside circuit
Hi guys... having a bit of trouble here..
i created a circuit thats basically a light/dark detector, it uses an LDR (cds cell) and a voltage comparator ... the output voltage is 1.37 when low and 1.53 when high ..... im trying to get it to set a bs2 pin to mimic the state of the external circuit....
i.e when i pass my hand over the photocell the circuit goes high and sets the bs2 pin to high
i just cant get the bs2 to correspond! -- shouldnt i just be able to connect my (+) output of the circuit straight to a pin and have it work?
the circuit is being powered by the bs2 and when im checking with a meter the output is well within the 1.4v trigger point.
HELP??? what am i missing?
Post Edited (Mubot) : 1/18/2008 3:01:44 AM GMT
i created a circuit thats basically a light/dark detector, it uses an LDR (cds cell) and a voltage comparator ... the output voltage is 1.37 when low and 1.53 when high ..... im trying to get it to set a bs2 pin to mimic the state of the external circuit....
i.e when i pass my hand over the photocell the circuit goes high and sets the bs2 pin to high
i just cant get the bs2 to correspond! -- shouldnt i just be able to connect my (+) output of the circuit straight to a pin and have it work?
the circuit is being powered by the bs2 and when im checking with a meter the output is well within the 1.4v trigger point.
HELP??? what am i missing?
Post Edited (Mubot) : 1/18/2008 3:01:44 AM GMT
Any possibility of your uploading your schematic?
im only using 6v and i have added resistors to the comparators output to read 1.37 when low and 1.53 when high ... thats the path im sending to the bs2 pin
Post Edited (Mubot) : 1/18/2008 3:10:34 AM GMT
You cannot have the series LED and the Stamp pin together.
The output is either +5V or GND (see pic attached, it's yours with some modifications.)·
When the voltage across the photocell is greater than the threshold (2.5V), then the output goes to Ground (Vss.)· Otherwise it should be "at supply", 5V.
Post Edit -- Thought to mention that you can do "photocelly" things using RCTIME, too.
Post Edited (PJ Allen) : 1/18/2008 3:20:46 AM GMT
why was the LED causing a problem?
i didnt use the rctime thingy cuz i thought it might be too slow ... this particular set up is just about instant.
thanks sooo much 4 your help
If I understand this correctly, the one voltage was too low to represent a logical 1 which needs to be over 2.5 VDC (if I remember correctly). Now it's set to show 0 or +5 VDC which is plenty of difference, and above the 2.5 VDC minimum for a logical 1.
Bruce Bates
Veni, Vidi, Velcro! - I came, I saw, I stuck around!
that make total sense .... but in all the reading i have done it says that the threshold is 1.4 volts over or under will trigger ???
im pretty much a figure it out as i go...not knowing much electronics guy...so i VERY much appreciate all the help guys!