Hooking a Attiny13 to a BS2px24
I have a need to use BS2px24 for a project that requires more ports than are easily available on the MOBO 2pe motherboard. However, I need the resources available through the Attiny13 micro so that I can utilize the existing software to drive the 7seg db unit. My solution was to acquire some Atmel· Attiny13-20pu chips (8pin DIP 20 Mhz). I have the BS2px24 plugged into a Board of education and proceeded to wire it as if it were a “B” processor on the MOBO. When I use the Load AVR program it informs me that a PE is not found, as expected, and proceeds to allow me to program the PX. It successfully downloads the 7SEG1.HEX file into the PX. I get the following on the debug terminal.
Checking program integrity . . . . . [noparse][[/noparse]OK]
Selecting chip:·· B . . . . . . . . . . . . . [noparse][[/noparse]OK]
Connecting to AVR chip . . . . . . . . [noparse][[/noparse]Failed]
I have tried it set up a “A” as well as “B” with same result. I am using· PB.0, PB.1, and PB.2 as shown in the MOBO schematic. I have /RST tied high with 10K resistor and I am manually resetting it before trying to run loadavr.exe. I figured there was no point in hooking up the 7seg db unit until I had successfully programmed the Attiny13.
Any suggestions?
Checking program integrity . . . . . [noparse][[/noparse]OK]
Selecting chip:·· B . . . . . . . . . . . . . [noparse][[/noparse]OK]
Connecting to AVR chip . . . . . . . . [noparse][[/noparse]Failed]
I have tried it set up a “A” as well as “B” with same result. I am using· PB.0, PB.1, and PB.2 as shown in the MOBO schematic. I have /RST tied high with 10K resistor and I am manually resetting it before trying to run loadavr.exe. I figured there was no point in hooking up the 7seg db unit until I had successfully programmed the Attiny13.
Any suggestions?
"A": nRst = 8 : Clk = 9 : Din = 11 : Dout = 12
"B": nRst = 0 : Clk = 1 : Din = 7 : Dout = 5
So you'll have to modify your pinout slightly to accommodate it. But give it a try, and see if it works for you.
P.S. Did the suggestion I gave you here for pin sharing to accommodate the extra requirement not work out?
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 1/17/2008 2:55:53 AM GMT