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Stepper motor help

grasshoppergrasshopper Posts: 438
edited 2008-01-14 23:28 in Propeller 1
Would some one be kind enough to explain briefly how I can use a stepper motor with my propeller. I am having a hard time understanding a way to code it. I am using an Allegero A2919SB IC. Here is my schematic.



  • JoergJoerg Posts: 91
    edited 2008-01-14 17:06
    After a short view to the data sheet, here a short comment:

    P1 is turning ON/OFF the current of PHASE2 (0=ON, 1=OFF)
    P2 steers the direction of the current for PHASE2 (0=positive, 1=negative)

    P3 same as P1 but for PHASE1
    P4 same as P2 but for PHASE1

    P5 lowers the output current.

    You have to do the timing like the diagram in the attachment shows. It depends how you will drive the motor:

    - Halfstep (save method with no risk of oscillations)
    - Fullstep
    - 1 phase mode
    - 2 phase mode

    I hope this helps a bit

    Saluti Joerg
    517 x 680 - 12K
  • grasshoppergrasshopper Posts: 438
    edited 2008-01-14 18:20
    Yes this helps a lot but i need some code to go off of as well.
  • ClemensClemens Posts: 236
    edited 2008-01-14 18:59
    Check this out:
    "Column #136: Stepping Out with Spin" is what you're looking for.
  • grasshoppergrasshopper Posts: 438
    edited 2008-01-14 19:30
    YES, that is what i was looking for. Nice write up Thanks
  • JoergJoerg Posts: 91
    edited 2008-01-14 19:32
    OK here some code!

    connect P1 to P0, P2 to P1, P3 to P2 and P3 to P2 (first p is your controller, the second your Propeller chip!)

    connect P5 to GND (VSS) or open (the propeller chip is a 3.3V chip!!)

      Bit   7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |    State:  0         |  1   
            I   I   I   I   I   I   I   I------->      Stop      |  Run           
            I   I   I   I   I   I   I----------->      Forward   |  Backward
            I   I   I   I   I   I--------------->      Halfstep  |  Fullstep     not implemented yet
            I   I   I   I   I------------------->      SPhase    |  TPhase       not implemented yet
            I   I   I   I----------------------->      Continous |  Controled    not implemented yet
            I   I   I--------------------------->                NU
            I   I------------------------------->                NU
            I----------------------------------->                NU
    Pin0   = P1
    Pin0+1 = P2
    Pin0+2 = P3
    Pin0+3 = P4
    P5 = VSS!!! (GND)
      long  Stack[noparse][[/noparse]14]                     'Stack space for new cog
      byte  Cog                           'Hold ID of cog in use, if any
      byte  StepNr                        'the actual step number
      long  MCounter                      'counter to hold the waitcycles
      Run = 1                             
      Backward = 2
      FullStep = 4
      TPhase = 8
      Synch = 128                   
    PUB Start(Pin0,AdrMotStat, AdrStepTime): Success
      Success := (Cog := cognew(ManageMotor(Pin0,AdrMotStat, AdrStepTime), @Stack) + 1)
    PUB Stop
    {{Stop toggling process, if any.}}
      if Cog
        cogstop(Cog~ - 1)
    PUB ManageMotor(Pin0, AdrMotStat, AdrStepTime)
      StepNr~                                               'clear the StepNr counter
      dira[noparse][[/noparse]Pin0+7 .. Pin0]~~                                'sets the needed pins as output
        repeat until byte[noparse][[/noparse]AdrMotStat] & Run                 'wait until motor has to run!
        if byte[noparse][[/noparse]AdrMotStat] & Backward
          --StepNr                                          'backward
          if StepNr == 255
            StepNr := 7
          ++StepNr                                          'foreward
          if StepNr > 7
            StepNr := 0    
        outa[noparse][[/noparse]Pin0+3 .. Pin0] := STEPTBL[noparse][[/noparse]StepNr]                  'set the outputs depending on the StepNr
        waitcnt(clkfreq / 1_000_000 * long[noparse][[/noparse]AdrStepTime]  + cnt)  'Wait for steptime cycles
    STEPTBL       byte    4, 0, 1, 2, 6, 10, 9, 8       'table for controling the motor (halfsteps)

    and a little program for testing your hardware:
        long StepTime
        long ActPos
        long RefPos
        byte MotStat
        byte SynchControl
        byte Pin0
      Motion : "Stepper_A2919"
    PUB Main
      StepTime := 100_000
      MotStat := 0
      Pin0 := 0
    ''  dira[noparse][[/noparse]16..19]~~
        if ina[noparse][[/noparse]11..8] == 14
          MotStat := 1
        elseif ina[noparse][[/noparse]11..8] == 12
          MotStat := 3  
          MotStat := 0

    I hope it works

    Saluti Joerg
  • grasshoppergrasshopper Posts: 438
    edited 2008-01-14 23:28
    Thanks for the code example. I almost have it working now.
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