FullDuplexSerial baud rates
Posts: 3,837
I just did a search, and looked at the object file, but I do not see any reference to what baud rates the FullDuplexSerial program supports. Maybe I missed the tuturial or the disscusion·about this. Is there a list of all the baud rates that this program supports, available somewhere.
"The FullDuplexSerial routines should work to at least 384 kB"
@Rsadeike: As I have not the slightest idea what the obstacles could be which keep you away from just DOING this seriel communication, I can't help you at the moment...
But I gave a small program snippet to a BS2 programmer some hours ago...
Another interface one Prop has is with another board with a PIC, which has a nominal 35714 baud speed. I was so pleased to see FullDuplexSerial support such non-standard rate. Thank you, whoever programmed FDS.
Harley Shanko
110, 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 921600
It falls short of the 1_000_000 bps that the Propeller might be capable of doing, so I will have to figure out a different way of testing the higher values. Now, the thing to remember is that these values are standard in a program like Hyperterminal, but with the FullDuplexSerial program you can use values like (this is my supposition) 100, 1900, 100000, 910000, as long as you have a matching number on the other end. For whatever reason I thought that everything used a standard value as shown in the Hyperterminal selection area. I could still be wrong about this.
The next step will probably be hooking up two Propellers, with one displaying eveything it has received in a Hyperterminal window, I guess a couple of small ·LCD units would be handier. That way I know that at least one side will be working correctly.
EDIT1> I found this explanation, for full-duplex and half-duplex, which I thought was pretty good.
adj.) Refers to the transmission of data in two directions simultaneously. For example, a telephone is a full-duplex device because both parties can talk at once. In contrast, a walkie-talkie is a half-duplex device because only one party can transmit at a time. <EDIT1
Post Edited (Rsadeika) : 1/14/2008 10:49:28 AM GMT
Most PCs will have their problems when you state 460,800 or 921,600
And as the Propeller will of course send with 921_600, receiving at that rate will overextend the main program. When you use SPIN eventually for generating or handling received data, even 115_200 is a very advanced speed...
Post Edited (deSilva) : 1/13/2008 9:01:08 PM GMT
If you are looking for the fastest serial Prop to Prop communication possible, take a look at Beau's High Speed Serial code: http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?p=691952
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.