Guitar Effects
This may be a stupid question but im gonna ask anyway. Is there any way to take a frequency (from a guitar or something) and increase it by variable amounts·like with a potentiometer or something? If it isnt possible with a basic stamp, then can anyone tell me what kind of circuit i would need to make to do this. What i am trying to achieve here is to make a whammy pedal like the one that david gilmour used in "Marooned" off of the division bell album. He also used this pedal on "The Blue" off of his solo album "On an Island"
This may be a stupid question but im gonna ask anyway. Is there any way to take a frequency (from a guitar or something) and increase it by variable amounts·like with a potentiometer or something? If it isnt possible with a basic stamp, then can anyone tell me what kind of circuit i would need to make to do this. What i am trying to achieve here is to make a whammy pedal like the one that david gilmour used in "Marooned" off of the division bell album. He also used this pedal on "The Blue" off of his solo album "On an Island"
A Stamp is not fast enough to process audio although it can be used for controlling external circuitry.
Do you know if i input the guitar signal into a frequency-voltage converter and then through a voltage-frequency
converter,·then·vary the voltage input to the V/F converter. would it work or would it just make some funny noises.
Electronic Projects for Musicians
Do it Your Self Projects for Guitarists
Max Wooden
Reedley, California
Have a look at it.