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AvcomM SimpleLan web server interface basic stamp — Parallax Forums

AvcomM SimpleLan web server interface basic stamp

BOwenBOwen Posts: 1
edited 2008-01-19 01:22 in General Discussion
I want to interface a basic stamp to a Avcom SimpleLan web server.· Though more limited in capabilities the SimpleLan web server appeared to be more stright forward.· Anyone have any experience with the SimpleLan module?·

First I need to be able to talk to the SimpleLan module.· Unfortunately, I am unable to get the Avcom software (running on PC) "Find" feature to locate the web server.· I am using the simplest configuration I can think of.· I am running windows XP on a laptop connected directly to the SimpleLam module via crossover cable.· No routers or other network components involved.· Just PC and SimpleLan module.· The SimpleLan is powered by a +5 volt supply (1 amp max) to Vdd and ground to Vss.· These are the only connections to the SimpleLam other than the crossover cable.· I have removed my McAfee virus software from the laptop and turned off the windows firewall in order to insure that UDP port 22002 trafic gets thru.· Link lights on both the laptop and SimpleLam module are on.· The activity light on the SimpleLan is on.·

When I click on the "Find" button the PC's activity LED flickers.· If I monitor the local area connection status I see that 2 packets are sent out and 1 packet is received.· Yet the web server is never located.· There is no problem using the laptop on the internet though I do not normally run without firewall and virus protection.

Any ideas guys?· Maybe Pink is the way to go.


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