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In the interest of battery power conservation — Parallax Forums

In the interest of battery power conservation

DugDug Posts: 11
edited 2008-01-11 18:53 in Propeller 1
Our Prop. Chip application needs crystal operation (for timing purposes) but requires the lowest power consumption possible.
For a given operation up to two cogs may be running at the same time.
Using the 5 MHz crystal, can we specify object (all Methods) operation on 1 MHz editing the following CON statement from:

· _xinfreq=5_000_000
· _clkmode=xtal1+pll1x


· _xinfreq=25_000_000
· _clkmode=xtal1+pll1x

In calculating device currect draw, (500ua*1.25)*2=1.25ma for 5 MHz operation, it would instead be (500ua*0.25)*2=250ua.



  • deSilvadeSilva Posts: 2,967
    edited 2008-01-11 18:47
    No, not at all smile.gif
    The crystal is the crystal... There is no further intelligence with the _xinfreq at all. It's just a number to inform the software; if wrong it will confuse everybody.
    Just take a 1MHz crystal!

    And don't use pll1x! Leave the PLL out for heavens sake!
  • DugDug Posts: 11
    edited 2008-01-11 18:53
    tnx deSilva.
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